Mobile Media Publishing Tools

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Mobile Media Publishing Tools von Mind Map: Mobile Media Publishing Tools

1. Sutro Media

1.1. (We're biased on this one)

1.2. Travel/ Local guide focused template

1.3. Free

1.4. Works well with lots of content

1.5. Detailed analytics support

1.6. Royalty sharing on proceeds

2. Mobile Roadie

2.1. Music focused template

2.2. $499 setup + $15/ month

3. MobBase

3.1. Music focused template

3.2. $20 setup + $15/month

4. blog creation sites

4.1. many alternatives

4.1.1. Blogger

4.1.2. WordPress

4.1.3. YouTube

4.1.4. Twitter Interface limited to 140 characters through twitter clients Unclear exactly how this could be used to create a mobile media campaign, but could be interesting to investigate Hard to sell content

4.2. often free

4.3. can't be as fast as a native app with content stored on phone instead of website

4.4. Hard to sell content

5. Seattle Clouds

5.1. Flexible interface

5.2. Cheap to try

5.3. Unclear how it would work for data heavy apps, like guides.

6. Sweb Apps

6.1. Business focused template

6.2. $50/ button + $10/ month