Equity Alliance at ASU: Bridging the gap between theory, research, practice and policy to "promot...

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Equity Alliance at ASU: Bridging the gap between theory, research, practice and policy to "promote equity, access, participation and outcomes for all students" in k-12 public education as a center for research, technical assistance, networking/dissemination and professional learning (equityallianceatasu.org) by Mind Map: Equity Alliance at ASU: Bridging the gap between theory, research, practice and policy to "promote equity, access, participation and outcomes for all students" in k-12 public education as a center for research, technical assistance, networking/dissemination and professional learning (equityallianceatasu.org)

1. Special Thanks

1.1. Thank you to everyone who helped me make this mindmeister and presentation what it is.

2. Equity Alliance Team, AKA: THE ATEAM!

2.1. JoEtta, Project Director

2.1.1. Equity Alliance (Director, Region IX-Equity Assistance Center)

2.1.2. Equity Forum

2.1.3. Different From What?

2.2. Elizabeth, Principal Investigator

2.2.1. Equity Alliance

2.2.2. NCCREST

2.2.3. NIUSI-LeadScape

2.2.4. UPSLI

2.2.5. UNESCO

2.2.6. International/Rosario

2.2.7. Different From What?

2.3. Alfredo, Principal Investigator

2.3.1. Equity Alliance

2.3.2. International/Rosario

2.3.3. NCCREST

2.3.4. NIUSI-LeadScape

2.3.5. Different from What?

2.4. Sherie, Office Specialist Sr.

2.5. Federico, Research Assistant, Doctoral Fellow

2.5.1. International/Rosario (International Team Leader)

2.5.2. Different From What?

2.6. Rebecca, Doctoral Fellow

2.6.1. International/Rosario (Research Manager).

2.6.2. Equity Forum (Volunteer)

2.6.3. Different From What? (Volunteer)

2.7. Jeni, Post-Doctoral Fellow

2.7.1. Equity Forum

2.7.2. UPLSI

2.7.3. International/Rosario

2.7.4. Different from What? (Volunteer)

2.8. Laura, Site Professor

2.8.1. UPSLI

2.8.2. Special Education Faculty at ASU

2.9. Lisa,

2.9.1. UPSLI

2.9.2. Special Education Faculty at ASU

2.10. Roberto, Evaluation Analyst

2.10.1. Equity Alliance--Region IX-Equity Assistance Center

2.10.2. NIUSI-LeadScape

2.11. David G., Consultant

2.12. Keshav, Graduate Assistant--Web Technician

2.12.1. NCCREST

2.12.2. NIUSI

2.12.3. Equity Forum

2.12.4. Equity Alliance

2.13. Kathleen, Co-Director

2.13.1. Equity Alliance--Region IX Equity Assistance Center: Technical Assistance & Professional Learning

2.13.2. Equity Forum

2.13.3. Different from What?

2.14. Elaine, Assistant Director

2.14.1. Equity Alliance

2.14.2. NIUSI-LeadScape

2.14.3. Equity Forum

2.14.4. Different from What?

2.15. Cean

2.16. Kate

2.17. Miranda, Graduate Assistant

2.17.1. Region IX-Equity Assistance Center

2.18. David, Research Assistant

2.18.1. Different From What? (Volunteer)

2.18.2. Equity Forum (Volunteer) Professional Facilitating Development Opportunity

2.18.3. Project(s) AAE & ELL Language Difference Media Lab.

3. Team Member Interview Questions and Answers


3.1.1. Direct (Face-to-Face) or Indirect (Email) Communication with workgroup team members

3.1.2. Committee Meetings

3.1.3. Ask Supervisor

3.1.4. One-on-Ones

3.1.5. Collaboration/Asking questions

3.1.6. Not good at asking for help/usually take initiative on my own before i ask for help.


3.2.1. Mircosoft Outlook--Calendar and email; Checklists, and Event Planners, Appointments, etc.

3.2.2. Scheduling Master Excel Sheet

3.2.3. Work Plans

3.2.4. Google Analytics

3.2.5. Nvivo 8

3.2.6. The Equity Alliance Drive

3.2.7. Project Task Lists

3.2.8. DreamWeaver

3.2.9. Personal Methods Folks Have: "Top of the Pile," Email Self Reminders, Paper Calendar as opposed to Outlook,

3.2.10. Status Reports

3.2.11. Team Meetings

3.2.12. Quarterly Reports

3.2.13. Coaching Strategies

3.2.14. Annual Reports


3.3.1. "Meeting the needs of the founders"

3.3.2. Ramped Up/Belonging. Maintain and Sustain Relationships. Some never found their place.

3.3.3. Lots of Meetings, and finding a balance between them and being productive to the goals set before you for the projects.

3.3.4. The need to collaborate to collaborate, creates blocks in the road.

3.3.5. Identity Issues

3.3.6. "Communication across all the projects...the synthesis [of all them them] and how one impacts the other."

3.3.7. Time-Management: "What are the priorities of today?"

3.3.8. Balance Professional and Private Life.

3.3.9. Delegating

3.3.10. Balance ("We do so much...good ideas..., [but not enough time to do it all]")

3.3.11. No HR work.

3.3.12. Issue: What do i have my GAs doing? To have them do clerical work or not, that is the question?

3.3.13. Where are all my GAs? :(

3.3.14. Breakdown in information; miscommunication (i.e. about planning, etc.)

3.3.15. Limited Comphrension/ Wanting explicit communication/expectations


3.4.1. Scope of who was who/social relationships

3.4.2. Know Co-Workers more Socially

3.4.3. Past Experience not so much applied here.

3.4.4. What is the bigger picture?

3.4.5. A trail period

3.4.6. "You never know what you are going to do"

3.4.7. "[You will do] task[s] outside your comfort zone"

3.4.8. "Protect yourself. You could work here 24/7"

3.4.9. Learning Tools

3.4.10. Capable and moments to incapable, clueless.

3.4.11. Identity: big shifts in roles, where you came from to finding your role at Equity Alliance; the latter takes time.

3.4.12. Personal vs. The Goals of Equity Alliance. Lets be good to each other.// Collaboration on products are Equity Alliance's not an individual's, so balancing personal feelings.

3.4.13. Critical Friend (Three Times)

3.4.14. How long it takes to do anything.

3.4.15. Templates for what needs to get done are probably already there in the EA Drive.

3.4.16. "That i would be located in grand central station"

4. Workgroup Teams

4.1. Marketing and Networking

4.1.1. Elaine

4.1.2. Keshav

4.1.3. Sherie

4.1.4. Miranda

4.2. Operations

4.2.1. Sherie

4.2.2. EBK

4.2.3. Kathleen (Space Issues)

4.2.4. JoEtta

4.2.5. Elaine

4.3. Websites

4.3.1. Elaine

4.3.2. Aaron

4.3.3. David G.

4.3.4. JoEtta

4.3.5. Keshav

4.4. International/Rosario

4.4.1. Rebecca

4.4.2. EBK

4.4.3. Federico

4.4.4. Alfredo

4.4.5. Jeni

4.5. Equity Forum

4.5.1. JoEtta

4.5.2. Elaine

4.5.3. Sherie

4.5.4. EBK

4.5.5. Kathleen

4.5.6. Alfredo

4.6. Technical Assistance and Professional Learning

4.6.1. Kathleen

4.6.2. Cean

4.6.3. EBK

4.6.4. Elaine

4.6.5. JoEtta

4.6.6. Jeni

4.7. Leadership Meeting

4.7.1. JoEtta

4.7.2. Alfredo

4.7.3. Kathleen

4.7.4. EBK

4.7.5. Elaine

4.7.6. Jeni

4.8. Continuous Improvement

4.8.1. Roberto

4.8.2. Alfredo

4.8.3. EBK

4.8.4. David G.

4.9. Publications

4.9.1. JoEtta

4.9.2. Kathleen

4.9.3. Jeni

4.9.4. Elaine

4.9.5. Miranda

4.10. UPLSI (Tuesdays Weekly)

4.10.1. Laura Atkinson

4.10.2. Lisa Arter

4.10.3. Caryn Cole

4.10.4. EBK

4.10.5. Jeni

4.11. SPE Cluster Meeting (Mondays x per mo)

4.11.1. EBK

4.11.2. Alfredo

4.11.3. Laura

4.11.4. Lisa

4.11.5. Caryn

4.11.6. Jeni

4.11.7. Ex Officio: Kathleen, Federico, & Rebecca

5. Grant-Funded Projects

5.1. Public Grants Projects

5.1.1. IDEAs that Work (Special Education) NCCREST (State) "Technical assistance and professional development to close the achievement gap between students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and their peers, and reduce inappropriate referrals to special education. The project targets improvements in culturally responsive practices, early intervention, literacy, and positive behavioral supports" (http://www.nccrest.org/about.html) NIUSI (Districts) "Develop powerful networks of urban districts and schools that embrace and implement a data-based, continuous improvement approach for inclusive practices" (http://urbanschools.org/about_us/about_us.html). UPLSI Professional Development in Tempe School where the training of future teacher is centered on the following four components: 1) Identity 2) Culture 3) Learning and Behavior 4) . Masters of Arts program in Teacher Leadership, 800 Hours of hands on learning experiences. Inclusive education and Teacher as Researcher.

5.1.2. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (General Education). Region IX EAC: California, Nevada, and Arizona Equity Alliance has been awarded a federal grant to serve in part as the Region IX Equity Assistance Center. Our job is to support state and local school systems in Arizona, California and Nevada with equity related issues.

5.2. Private Grant Projects

5.2.1. Motorola International Initiative on Inclusive Education/Rosario [The Rosario project seeks to]...examine the role of school structural factors (e.g., design of curricula based on monocultural and top down conceptions of knowledge...ideologies about Latino students and their families) mediate the ability of schools to shape educational outcomes. The Rosario project relies on a teacher inquiry group model to understand the social and material contexts in which teaching and learning processes are co-constructed in classrooms for Latino struggling learners...This project aims to answer the following questions: (a) How do structural, social, and cultural factors mediate the work of a teacher inquiry group that is concerned with addressing the needs of Latino struggling learners?, (b) how do structural, social, and cultural factors mediate the impact of a teacher inquiry group on Latino student learning?

5.2.2. Spencer Foundation

6. References:

6.1. The Equity Alliance Handbook

6.2. Equity Alliance Website: Introduction to our Website Worksheet

6.3. Equity Alliance Quarterly Reports Worksheet

6.4. NIUSI-LeadScape Website: An introduction to our Website Worksheet.

6.5. Team Member Interview Questions and Answers Notes

6.6. Personal Communication with ATEAM members

6.7. www.equityallianceatasu.edu

6.8. http://www.spencer.org/

6.9. http://www.nccrest.org/

6.10. http://urbanschools.org/

6.11. http://www.niusileadscape.org/

7. Reflections

7.1. Learning Experince

7.2. Questions that I had

7.3. Questions I still have.