Technology Class Manual

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Technology Class Manual by Mind Map: Technology Class Manual

1. 5 -Writing about paragraph

2. Literacy

2.1. Auto-Biography

2.2. Favorite Day Paragraph

2.3. Blogs

2.4. Blogging

2.5. blogs

2.6. poem collection

3. 2013/2014 activities

3.1. Math

3.1.1. IXL

3.1.2. Sum Dog

3.2. Art / Media

3.2.1. First Nation Art

3.2.2. activity 2

3.3. Social Studies

3.3.1. Canadian Flag

3.3.2. activity 2

4. Rule 1

5. Technology Class

5.1. Goals

5.1.1. to learn how to use a webcam.

5.1.2. goal 5 -edit better videos

5.2. Rules

5.2.1. Rule 2

5.2.2. Rule 2

5.3. Requirments

5.3.1. Computers

5.3.2. need 2

5.3.3. need 3

6. Challenges

6.1. Internet Access

6.2. When internet is slow

6.3. problem 2