Idea Generation - Charity 2 Group 6

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Idea Generation - Charity 2 Group 6 by Mind Map: Idea Generation - Charity 2 Group 6

1. very winfy

2. yellow boots

2.1. having fun

2.1.1. cold yellow raincoat

3. green umbrella

4. playing

4.1. rainbow

5. raining heavily

6. puddles

7. wet

8. wet floor

9. very wet

9.1. yellow boots

9.1.1. green umbrella uncomfortable uncomfortable

10. rainy day

10.1. slippery

11. cloudy day

12. feelings

12.1. happy

12.1.1. playing in the rain

12.1.2. cold

12.2. uncomfortable

12.3. lethargic

12.4. comfartable

12.5. HAPPY

12.6. sad

12.7. comfortable

13. Weather

13.1. boots

13.2. umbrella

13.2.1. raincoat green umbrella

13.3. dark cloud

13.4. having fun

13.5. raining

13.6. rainging heavly

13.7. yellow raincoat

13.8. green umbrella

13.9. blue sky

13.10. windy

13.10.1. cloudy

13.11. very cold

13.12. new idea

13.13. wet floor

13.14. wet path

13.15. puddle

13.16. going home

13.17. school

13.18. feeling cold

13.19. white clouds

13.20. the seven colors of the rainbow

13.21. rain falling from the sky

13.22. playing in the rain

13.23. joy

13.24. joy

13.25. new idea

13.26. dark

13.27. gloomy

13.28. shivering

13.29. drizzling

13.30. slippery

13.31. wet

13.32. Alice is having fun in the rain

13.33. caught in the rain

13.34. enjoyed

13.35. weather is cold

13.36. happy

13.37. drizzling for hours

13.38. going home from school

13.39. plying in the rain

13.40. playing in the street

14. raining

14.1. feelings

14.2. caring a handbag

15. very windy

15.1. bad weather

16. The sky looks very dark and gloomy.It has been drizzling for hours.The ground is wet and slippery.Although the weather is cold,Alice is enjoying herself in the rain.