Luke Plot

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Luke Plot by Mind Map: Luke Plot

1. Comes to a head when Uncle attacks Balder

1.1. Roald uses Polyjuice to disguise his appearance and steals Luke's wand

1.1.1. Uses the attack to prove to his family that Luke is unworthy of the pureblood family he was adopted into

1.2. Balder is seriously injured and nearly killed

1.3. Luke is framed and sent to Azkaban

1.3.1. Balder only saw Luke attack him

1.3.2. Luke's wand was used in the attack

1.3.3. Luke cannot prove where he was or what he was doing during the attack

2. Uncle has been abusing him for years.

2.1. No one believes him about the abuse.

2.1.1. Del is the only one that believes

2.1.2. Steffi has heard about it before, but since then Luke has remained silent on the topic

2.2. He hides it when others are around.

2.3. He's trying to protect the kids his mother has adopted over the years

2.3.1. Jer and Steffi are both muggleborn

2.3.2. Cain vanished without a trace, and Luke suspects Roald is behind it Roald is the one that caused the disappearance of Cain Cain was killed by Roald's cruelty

2.4. Luke is actually a pureblood, abandoned by his family when he was an infant

2.4.1. Lillantine family is the one that abandoned him when one of the sons had a premarital relationship with another witch that wasn't his future wife

3. Luke does his best to make sure he's the brunt of the abuse

3.1. Tends to smart back to his uncle; backtalk

3.2. Feels that he's responsible for his adopted siblings