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Paper Sharing Tool by Mind Map: Paper Sharing Tool

1. Webapp

1.1. DocumentReader

1.1.1. MetaData in Overlay Term Recognition: tag, authors, ... Text Comment Show Related Documents

1.1.2. Read any PDF on the internet

1.2. Support for Mobile Devices

1.3. View /Add / Edit Bookmarks, Groups, Users, ...

2. Groups

2.1. Own Bookmarks

2.2. Kind of Tag

2.3. Has Users

3. Save Only MetaData


4.1. Tags

4.1.1. Can be Organisation

4.1.2. Can be Keyword

4.1.3. Subscribe

4.2. Synchronize / Built upon Delicious

4.3. Descriptions

4.4. View In Custom Reader

4.5. Link Related Bookmarks

4.5.1. Automatically

4.5.2. Manually?

4.6. Document Analysis

4.6.1. User Feedback?

4.7. Search

5. Users

5.1. Friends

5.2. Feed

5.3. Subscribe

5.4. In Groups