Insurance history

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Insurance history by Mind Map: Insurance history

1. Managed care

1.1. HMO

1.1.1. IPA

1.2. PPO

1.3. POS

1.4. HDHP

2. 2000-2003

2.1. Provider colluding

2.2. Managed care backlash

2.2.1. selective contracting

2.2.2. Demand for choice

2.2.3. Utilization management

3. 2004-2014

3.1. Expansion of Medicare

3.2. ACA 2010

3.3. High deductible plan

3.4. New manage care

3.4.1. Less utilization management

4. Early 20 century

4.1. Industrial sickness fund

4.2. Worker comp insurance

4.2.1. Insurance proposal support AMA opponent AMA Union

5. Great Depression

5.1. Hospital plan growth

5.2. AHA join blue cross

5.3. AMA join blue shields

5.4. Commercial insurance form

5.5. HMO

5.5.1. Medical opposition

5.5.2. Kaiser group

5.5.3. Group Health Association

6. Early Growth

6.1. WWII - 1940

6.1.1. Tax incetive

6.2. 1950

6.2.1. Experience rated plan

7. Changing time

7.1. Truman form National health insurance

7.2. Johnson approve Medicare & Medicaid 1960

7.2.1. part A

7.2.2. Part B

7.2.3. Increase experience rating Endorses HMOs

7.3. ERISA

7.4. Regan - Medicare propective payment

7.5. PPO