Corrosion By Jonno and Alex

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Corrosion By Jonno and Alex by Mind Map: Corrosion By Jonno and Alex

1. Wet Corrosion

1.1. Uniform "attack" Corrosion

1.1.1. Exposed To Air

1.1.2. Uniform Rust Over Whole Surface

1.2. New node

1.3. Concentration Cell

1.3.1. Water Trapped

1.3.2. Difference in oxygen levels create anode and cathode

1.4. Stress Cell

1.4.1. When hard worked or stressed metal

1.4.2. Stressed area becomes anotic (anode)

1.4.3. Rust appears in unstressed areas

1.5. Galvanic Corrosion

1.5.1. Present Over 2 Dissimilar Metals

1.5.2. one more reactive then the other

2. Anode

2.1. Oxidation

2.2. (loss)

3. Dry Corrosion

3.1. No Water

3.2. High Temperature

4. Cathode

4.1. Reduction

4.2. (gain)