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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Assessment analyzes and uses data to make decisions about improvements in teaching strategies and student learning

2. Interim Assessments/Benchmark

2.1. Periodic testing throughout the school year

2.2. Low level, little to no student feedback

2.3. Formal written projects, written assignments, and tests

3. Formative Assessments

3.1. Definition: Process of gathering evidence of student learning

3.1.1. Characteristics: Evidence of student learning Structure Participants involved feedback Instruction adjustments

3.2. Cycle: Gather evidence Evaluate evidence Feedback Adjust Instruction

3.2.1. Example of formal formative assessment: Quiz

3.2.2. Example of informal formative assessment: Observation

4. Summative Assessments

4.1. Preparing Students-Assessment-Taking Skills

4.2. Review what you want to do Criteria for ensuring high-quality assessment Representative sampling

4.2.1. Examples: Standardized testing, final exams, major projects, research projects

4.3. Teach Assessment taking skills

5. An assessment is not an evaluation!!!

5.1. Evaluation: analyzes and uses data to make judgments about student performance