*Kenzai Choices

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*Kenzai Choices by Mind Map: *Kenzai Choices

1. Inbox

1.1. Filter

1.1.1. Does it fall into the current goals? No - postpone Yes - Move to backlog

2. Governors of choice

2.1. 1. More users for body

2.2. 2. Keep current users happy

3. Workload guidelines

3.1. Set WIP limits for each person

3.1.1. No person breaks the limits

3.2. Have a clear path of delivery and pickup

3.3. Respect the path of other users

3.3.1. User is working on something, only take their time if you are blocked on an item

3.4. Set times for brain storm sessions, until then store it

3.4.1. This is a release time, use this to help respect the path of others work

3.5. Just b/c you think something is a must do/have, does not mean it is

3.5.1. Follow the governors

4. Workflow

4.1. Backlog

4.2. Up next

4.3. Swim lane

4.3.1. Emergency Line stops everyone is focused on this work item until it stops blocking the flow of work All other work pauses

4.4. Doing

4.4.1. Planning Set your plan of action Review your plan of action Set your goals on the card Set your Qualitative tests Set your Quantitative tests

4.4.2. Do Do the work

4.5. Peer-review

4.5.1. Review work with peer for a review

4.6. Is this ready for production?

4.6.1. Yes move on to testing

4.6.2. No Cycle back to backlog for next member to act on

4.7. Test

4.7.1. Qualitative test

4.7.2. Quantitative test

4.8. Done