1. Gloria
1.1. Gerson
1.1.1. the father of Pedro Paulo oldest son of Gloria became one of the leaders of a drug-trafficking gang, Comando Vermelho (Red Command), in Rochinsa died in in a shoot-out in Rochina was in Ilha Grande Prison in 1992 a great fan of reggae music and what it stands for believes that women should be monogamous but a man can be with as many women as he wants as long as he is able to provide all their needs threatened to kill his girlfriend, Josilene, if she goes through with the abortion of his child very vocal about his view on unfair minmum wage vowed to never work a job with a minimum wage pay got out of prison in 1995, took responsibility for his son, Raul with Josilene; later dies in a shoot out with the police shortly after his release form prison he wanted to live "the good life" like the wealthy therefore he refused to work the kind of honest work that the people in his class do because he knows it will not give him a chance to live the "good life"
1.1.2. the ex-lover of Gloria's whom she saw at one occasion; he seemed to be in a better economic postion that they were together
1.1.3. didn't know that his son became involved in a gang
1.1.4. cried over his son's death after Glroia told him about it
1.1.5. never paid any attention to his son and never helped financially with him either
1.1.6. made fun of by Gloria for crying over a son that he didn't know
1.2. Gloria over the years would constantly lament about how her son Pedro Paulo, whom she considered the smartest of all her kids, end up becoming a criminal; believe that her business in working to earn enough to feed her children had forced her to neglect some of her parental duties which resulted in Pedro Paulo's choice oof lifestlye
2. Black Humor
2.1. during the moment of the unfortunate experience, it will seem bad; but repitition or recollection of the strory later in time can be a source of humor
2.2. telling "funny stories" about tragedy and pain
3. A Visit To Ilha Grande Prison
3.1. When Pedro Paulo was in prison there in 1992, Glroia together with the author and Gloria's 3 boys, Zezinho, Zeca, and Felix for a weekend
3.2. a long bus trip and a ride on a ferry took them to the prison isalnd
3.3. upon arrival, they were separated- men and women- and had to wait for hours to be taken into the visitor's quarters
3.4. they met a girl named Amelia who claimed to be visiting her long lost brother, Adhmar
3.5. the author was introduced to Pedro Paulo as he white daughter, filha branca
3.6. on their night of the visit, someone whom the authro thought to be Pedro Paulo at first, started touching the author when the lights was turned out and they were locked in; she threatened to tell Gloria and the perosn who turned out to be Adhmar, backed off
3.6.1. the author held off telling Gloria after they left the prison, in fear of what Gloria might do to Adhmar; she didn't to ruin the visit
3.6.2. Gloria's reputation of being a tough lady was so notorious that even criminals cowar at the mention of her name
4. Rochina
4.1. a favela/shantytown near the border of the wealthy of Zona Sul
4.2. children/people that grew up in this town see how the wealthy live all their lives
4.3. town where Pedro Paulo grew up and decided to joing the gang
4.4. Lucas, one of Gloria's sister's, Celina, son that also ended up dead because he decided to joined the "bandidos"- a gang of bandits that commit criminal activities
4.4.1. Lucas's brother's used to tease him that he joined the gang so he can have an early funeral
4.4.2. Lucas jokingly says that "Eu vou morrer cedo" or "I am going to die young"
4.4.3. Right after Celina died, he was sent to his godmother, Aparecida; but an issue of a lost money forced her to send Lucas to Rosineide whose family was much poorer than Gloria
4.4.4. Gloria looked and found Lucas and took him home with her and made Aparacida to send her food to help raise him
5. Violence on "The Streets"
5.1. the fear of the perceived violence on the streets of shnatytows, the middle and upper class people built higher walls around them to protect them from such violence
5.2. prevalence of "death squads"
5.3. an article in New York Times entitled "Death End Kids" features a stroy of a "death squad", which consisted of hooded off-duty police, killinf 7 homeless children in front of a church
5.4. Gliberto Dimenstein
5.4.1. wrote "A Guerra dos Meninos in 1990
5.4.2. this book featured how the death squads systematically assasinate children on the streets
5.4.3. these kids are percieved as innocent victims of their circumstances but at the same time, seen as a part of a growing population of irredeemable criminals
5.5. Hector Babenco
5.5.1. Argentine-born director of the film "Pixote"
5.5.2. the fil features the violence on the streets as well as the cruelty of institutions like FUNABEM or FEBEM, who are supposed to care for these children
5.5.3. Pixote is a scrawny little boy whose in a goverment instition who witnessed a rape of of another boy by older and stronger boys
5.5.4. at the end of the film, Pixote became a full blown criminal that had killed 3 people, trafficked drugs, and pimped out people
5.5.5. the "real" life Pixote died in 1988 ina tun-in with Brazil's law enforcement
5.5.6. the film captures and reflex the middle and upper class feelings- sympathized with these unfortunate children
5.5.7. however, the film didn't capture the feelings of those who raised these children nor the context of the everyday violent lives due to the poor ecomomic conditions and the criminilizations of the poor by the middle and upper classes, as well as by the police
5.6. the children on the streets
5.6.1. these children are often recruited by the gangs to do dirty work for them in exchange for payment
5.6.2. some of the middle and upper class population will allow these kids to do littles things such as watch or wash their cars while they shop
5.6.3. other middle upper class people however refuse to give money because they feel like these little favors they do for these children will not solve the issue therefore participating is a moot point
5.6.4. these little coins that these children earn helps their family's financial tremedously; these children are called "nurturing children"