Nielsen's 10 Heuristics of Task: Using News Feed in facebook

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Nielsen's 10 Heuristics of Task: Using News Feed in facebook by Mind Map: Nielsen's 10 Heuristics of  Task: Using News Feed in facebook

1. Aesthetic and minimalist design

1.1. Unwanted Ads in the News Feed, when you scrolling down to see your friend post/status

1.2. Very big and space comsuming

1.3. Icons of different type of posts are present

2. Flexibility and efficiency of use

2.1. is quite fast to navigate because is just select what the post and send.

2.2. They have a short introduction when you first time in Facebook

2.3. Not able to favorite the interest news feed

3. Consistency and standards

3.1. Frequent Updates, new layouts every time with new updates, makes the news feed different and harder to navigate.

3.2. Is look different on the mobile device.

3.3. They add more advertisements than before.

3.4. Can block unnecessary feed.

4. Error prevention

4.1. When user type in the status and accidentally exit the website/browser, they will show a notification

4.2. When there error of posting anything, they will notify you with the error message

4.3. There no confirmation, when you post anything

4.4. When you accidentally remove a post, you cant undo.

5. Recognition rather than recall

5.1. They show small icons and text for which type of post you want to post.

5.2. There two different type of add photos/videos. Cannot differentiate between those two

5.3. Able to see what time is new feed are being sent

6. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

6.1. When user type in the status and accidentally exit the website/browser, they will show a notification

6.2. When there error of posting anything, they will notify you with the error message

6.3. When you post anything they will auto set to your privacy setting. (Example: Friends, Friends of friends, Only, Custom)

6.4. Can't recover deleted new feed

7. Visibility of the system status

7.1. Keep track of your friends Status and post

7.2. There is notification, showing any updates,

7.3. Sometime same similar news feed appear

8. Match between system and the real world

8.1. They will show your common language, when you first time Signing up

8.2. Keep track of your friends Status and post

8.3. Spamming of a similar news feed will occur sometime

9. User control and freedom

9.1. There no control of ads

9.2. Good, let users to sort what they wanted to see

9.3. There no customization for it

10. Help and documentation

10.1. the help and FAQS can be found in the setting, which is very hard to notice

10.2. The help & FAQs are well detailed.

10.3. Not all details are useful