Concept Maps in Higher Eduction

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Concept Maps in Higher Eduction by Mind Map: Concept Maps in Higher Eduction

1. University level learning

1.1. Different "learning styles"

1.2. Learning as change

1.2.1. Kolb's learning cycle Experience Reflect Theorize Test

1.2.2. Jarvis

1.3. Quality of change

1.3.1. Novak Relevant prior knowledge Meaningful material Learner must choose to learn meaningfully

1.4. Importance of prior knowledge

1.4.1. Conceptual richness

1.4.2. Knowlegde structure

1.4.3. Misconceptions

2. Role of the university academic

2.1. 4 distinct practices for responsible university teaching

2.1.1. Measures prior knowledge of student

2.1.2. Presentation of material based on

2.1.3. Develop meaning in the student

2.1.4. Measure change

3. Concept mapping method

3.1. "bare bones of language"

3.2. Structure can be used for analysis

3.3. Method can be used to measure learning quality

3.4. Improve learning by comparision