BOOK IDEA "Moments that have defined our nation"

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BOOK IDEA "Moments that have defined our nation" by Mind Map: BOOK IDEA "Moments that have  defined our nation"

1. Must have changed us somehow

2. Team

2.1. Two - three interviewers = authors

2.2. Assistant for transliteration

2.3. Research assistant

2.4. Photographer?

2.5. Editorial team

2.6. Layouter

2.7. Cover artist

2.8. Project manager

3. Moments that have defined us

3.1. About 25 in total

3.2. Must have had great influence on our country's history

3.3. Must be within the past 80 years or so

3.3.1. To find witnesses who are still alive

4. Topics

4.1. Politics

4.2. War

4.3. Science

4.3.1. Breakthroughs

4.3.2. Inventions

4.4. Heroism

4.4.1. Great courage

4.5. Our biggest mistakes

4.6. Change

4.7. Crises

5. One per chapter

6. Structure

6.1. Each chapter describes one moment

6.2. Chapter structure

6.2.1. Title

6.2.2. Subtitle

6.2.3. Account by witness

6.2.4. Historical description

7. Add images

7.1. Photographs

7.1.1. Portraits of witnesses Then and now? Only now?

7.1.2. Pictures of the big moments Do pictures of all moments exist? Availability Archives?

7.2. Black & white

8. Target market

8.1. Women between 40 and 78

8.2. Men between 45 and 75

8.3. Schools?

8.3.1. History classes maybe

9. Release

9.1. Just in time for Christmas trade

9.2. Book presentation in grand/historical place

9.2.1. Parliament

9.2.2. City hall

9.2.3. At the scene of one of the moments