'The Tempest', Scotland, and James I

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'The Tempest', Scotland, and James I por Mind Map: 'The Tempest', Scotland, and James I

1. Private vs. public

1.1. East Lothian witchcraft trials

1.1.1. Daemonologie (False) binaries, similar to the one Prospero sets up between his 'art' and Sycorax's 'sorceries ill' Conflates sorcery and witchcraft, though the class distinction remains - sorcery derived trough excess of learning

1.1.2. Agnes Sampsons' insight into James I's wedding night Prospero's insight into the intimate moments between his daughter and Ferdinand: the audience/reader spies on the spy. The intrusion of privacy itself made public; it is broadcast *by* Prospero *to* us - without an audience it is just a matter for the eavesdropping father. 'News from Scotland' effects the same process as Shakespeare's play in this regard. Though the words themselves remain unreported, in 'News from Scotland' one woman's knowledge of the king's private moments is nevertheless broadcast to the public at large

2. History vs. news

2.1. Anne's aborted voyage to Scotland; James' voyage to Norway/Denmark and back

2.1.1. The fantasy of a suitor's trials (Ferdinand in chains) vs. James' anxieties prior to his voyage to Norway

2.2. Francis Stewart, 5th earl of Bothwell

2.2.1. Bookish Machiavellians vs. violent aristocrats (Prospero & Antonio / James & Bothwell)

2.2.2. Macbeth Bothwell's attack on Holyroodhouse & Macbeth's murder of Duncan

2.2.3. Exile

2.2.4. Blood feud vs. common law

2.3. The Statutes of Iona

2.3.1. Fife Adventurers