Signals of Spring ACES curriculum increases ocean literacy by teaching about ...

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Signals of Spring ACES curriculum increases ocean literacy by teaching about ... by Mind Map: Signals of Spring ACES curriculum increases ocean literacy by teaching about ...

1. Ocean Floor Topography

1.1. Continental Shelf and Slope

1.2. Mid-Ocean Ridge, Abyssal Plain and Trenches

1.3. Satellite images of bathymetry

2. Animal Migrations and Related Issues

2.1. Integration of knowledge learned in the other 5 areas

2.2. Use of real-time satellite images to track tagged animals

2.3. Importance of our National Marine Sanctuaries

3. Research Analysis and Journal Writing

3.1. Integration of knowledge learned in the other 6 areas

3.2. Generating recommendations founded on scientific analysis

3.3. Opportunity to communicate with scientists in the field

4. Ocean Water Characteristics

4.1. Effect of temperature

4.2. Effect of depth, pressure and salinity

4.3. Prevailing winds and ocean currents

4.4. Heat transfer and seasonal changes

5. Watersheds

5.1. Dissolved salt and minerals entering the ocean

5.2. Point source and non-point source pollution

5.3. Local Water Sampling Study

6. Food Webs

6.1. Importance of phytoplankton

6.2. Oxygen content and water temperature effects

7. Biodiversity and Adaptations of organisms living in...

7.1. Coral Reefs, Mangrove Forests, Deep Seas

7.2. Open Oceans, Kelp Forests, Polar Seas

7.3. Salt Marshes, Rocky Shores