Technology investment strategy

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Technology investment strategy by Mind Map: Technology investment strategy

1. Staff perspective

1.1. Epistemologies

1.1.1. Barriers to diffusion

1.1.2. E-learning influence

1.1.3. Student communication

1.2. Energy and motivation

1.2.1. Student control

1.2.2. Admin

1.2.3. Out of school work

1.2.4. Willingness to share

1.2.5. CPD

1.2.6. PLN

1.3. E-learning competence

1.3.1. E-tutoring skills

1.3.2. Content design skills

1.3.3. Technology skills

2. Pedagogic perspectives

2.1. Didactic

2.1.1. F2F

2.1.2. Blended

2.2. Cognitivist/constructivist

2.2.1. Instructional strategies Communities of practice Scaffolding Collaboration E-moderation

2.2.2. Learning content Instructional design Semiotics Theory alignment Interactivity

3. Other external influences

3.1. Government policy

3.1.1. Teacher training in e-learning

3.1.2. Education policy/curriculum control Teaching to targets Personalised learning

3.1.3. Funding

3.1.4. Monitoring

3.2. LEA policy

3.2.1. Technical control

3.2.2. Funding support

3.2.3. Form communities of practice

3.2.4. Monitoring

3.3. Parent influence

3.3.1. Home learning support

3.3.2. Behaviour control

3.3.3. Access to home computer

4. Technological perspectives

4.1. Existing VLE

4.1.1. Replace

4.1.2. Enhance

4.2. Existing netowrk

4.2.1. Replace

4.2.2. Enhance

4.3. Invest in new proprietary system

4.3.1. PLE

4.3.2. LAMS

4.4. Set up school portal

4.4.1. Cloud computing

4.4.2. Mash-ups

4.4.3. Open source software

4.4.4. Stand alone tools

4.5. In school technical support

4.6. Online safety

4.7. Usability

5. Other internal influences

5.1. School culture

5.2. Resources

5.2.1. Instructional technologist

5.2.2. Funding

5.2.3. Time

5.3. Leadership

5.4. Student streaming

6. Student perspectives

6.1. Behaviour

6.2. Literacy

6.3. Digital literacy

6.4. Access to home computer

6.5. Learning styles

6.6. Independent learning