Assessment Organizational Chart "Authentic assessment is an evaluation process that involves mul...

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Assessment Organizational Chart "Authentic assessment is an evaluation process that involves multiple forms of performance measurement reflecting the student’s learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally-relevant activities.” Daniel Callison, University of Indiana by Mind Map: Assessment Organizational Chart  "Authentic assessment is an evaluation process that involves multiple forms of performance measurement reflecting the student’s learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally-relevant activities.”  Daniel Callison, University of Indiana

1. Formative Assessments "Any assessment that’s done that allows a student to revise his efforts, in light of feedback, and then be assessed and accredited anew.” -Rick Wormeli Assessment FOR Learning

1.1. Diagnostic An assessment that is used to identify a student’s needs and abilities and the student’s readiness to acquire the knowledge and skills proscribed by the standards or curriculum. Beginning-of-year, mid-year and end-of-year continuum of assessment which can inform teaching and learning like SIPPS Phonics curriculum or WA State Benchmark Exams.

1.1.1. Insights to readiness levels, assist differntiation and progress monitoring throughout the school year. Lost teaching and learning time. Portfolio A “purposeful” collection of written, designed, created, multi-media or physical, products or projects that show a broad sample of student learning, progress, effort, achievement & self-reflection. Multiple Intelligences Multi-Media Portfolio. Writer’s Workshop Published Collections.

2. Summative Assessments Evaluation of student learning used to make a judgement about the achievement of a learning objective or standard at the end of a unit or school term. Assessment OF Learning

2.1. Performance-Based “Performance- based learning and assessment represent a set of strategies for the acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and work habits through the performance of tasks that are meaningful and engaging to students.” Teacher's Guide to Performance-Based Learning and Assessment (ASCD) Eeva Reader’s Mountlake Terrace High School Architectural end-of-term project or Urban Academy’s one-on-one book club.

2.1.1. Assessment of deep understanding and ability to apply knowledge and skills. Significant time commitment necessary to design project parameters and a rubric that meet the standards. High-Stakes A test that has serious consequences for the student, their teacher & school, but not always all three together. SAT, ACT, High School Graduation Exams, State Standardized Tests