iPad Workflow

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iPad Workflow by Mind Map: iPad Workflow

1. Plan

1.1. Mind maps

1.1.1. Prezi

1.1.2. Popplet

1.1.3. Notability

1.1.4. Thing link

2. 3: Build

2.1. With words

2.2. With images

2.3. With video

2.4. Sounds

3. 2: Research/Gather

3.1. Internet

3.2. Ibooks

3.3. Notes

3.4. Pages

3.5. Google docs

3.6. Camera: photos & video

3.7. Screen Shots

4. 6: Evaluate

4.1. Self

4.2. Teacher

4.3. Peer

5. 5: Present

5.1. With teacher

5.2. With peers

5.3. With parents

5.4. To groups

6. 4: Reflect

6.1. Video

6.2. Written

6.3. Blog

6.4. Collaborate