Input and Output Devices

A Quick Glance at Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices by Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Input Devices

1.1. An input device is the way information, or data, is entered into the computer. These devices usually have one or more buttons that can control the different software used on the computer.

1.1.1. Examples of an input device would be a keyboard and a mouse. The benefits to using a keyboard and a mouse are that each student is familiar with this device. Other devices may not be as familiar and may be a distraction rather than a positive learning experience. Depending on what age your students are, using any device to get their information into the computer can be a challenge because some can handle the device carelessly and end up a costly expense.

2. Output Devices

2.1. An output device is used to take the information, or data, that was entered into the computer and move it out of the computer.

2.1.1. Examples of output devices would be the monitor and the printer. Viewing the data that was processed into the computer on a monitor would be in electronic form, or soft copy. Having that information printed out on the printer would be a hard copy. Using devices, such as, projectors, scan converters, speakers and headphones allow for a variety of output devices to view and listen to the information, or data. The monitor is used to view information on screen instead of printing it out, which saves in an expensive paper inventory supply. The challenge for using output devices in the classroom would be to make sure each student that is using one is taught how to use it first. This will ensure that the device will not get broke because of not knowing how it works.

3. Application to Learning

3.1. Word processing provides capabilities to:

3.1.1. Enter documents and keep them organized

3.1.2. Edit documents and edit errors easily

3.1.3. Format documents to add graphics and enhanced text elements

3.1.4. Correct grammar and spelling for proofreading before printing

3.1.5. Format documents to add graphics and enhanced text elements

4. Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J. B. (2011). Teaching and learning with technology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc./Allyn & Bacon