Information Appliance

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Information Appliance by Mind Map: Information Appliance

1. Issues

1.1. Walled gardens vs. Open source

1.2. Problems and Frustrations

1.3. Flexibility vs. Ease of Use

1.4. Customization and Connectivity

1.5. Dominance of PC and Microsoft

2. Definition

2.1. inexpensive device

2.2. based on computer technology

2.3. dedicated perform to few functions

2.4. add value to normal output

2.5. readily availabe in the market

3. Challenges

3.1. integration

3.2. better connectivity/transfer rate

3.3. mobility

3.4. offline performance

3.5. reconnection/reintegration

3.6. memory

4. Market Trends

4.1. lower prices

4.2. 'invisible' idea

4.3. task specific

4.4. oprimized interfaces

4.5. implications

4.5.1. content and service

4.5.2. drive and pull from multiple industries

5. History

5.1. coined by jef raskin, 1982

5.2. w/ formation of information appliance inc.

5.3. 80's emergence of dedicated word processing machines

6. Category

6.1. web devices

6.2. communication devices

6.3. entertainment devices

6.4. computing devices

6.5. other devices

6.5.1. kitchen

6.5.2. medical

7. Driving Factors

7.1. tech push

7.2. vendor push

7.3. market and user pull

8. Marker Characteristics

8.1. Embedded Computers

8.2. Content and Service Industry

8.3. Wide Functionality Spectrum

8.4. IAs from Multiply Industries

9. Segments

9.1. Add-on IA

9.2. New IA