Class Time Before ERPD

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Class Time Before ERPD by Mind Map: Class Time Before ERPD

1. Content of the Day (advisory time, special events, passion classes, service & action piece, clubs, tutoring,)

1.1. Time for making up work for certain students like an ISS for homework or late work.

1.2. World IB Badmitten Tournament

1.3. Speaker Series or Current Events Day.

1.4. Interactive simulations

2. Logistics (how to group students-flexible? fixed? physical space)

2.1. Will PowerSchool cooperate with if it's a non A/B day?

2.2. By Grade Level

3. September 17th Ideas: Apple Training, Community Service Tracking,

4. Prefer to have the same group of students all year, to assist with tracking service, etc.

5. Use sign-up genius and allow students some flexibility in picking what is important to them.

6. include time for 5 minute class change with 3 (1 hour) classes.

7. Name of this Course

7.1. Fitness Awareness Day- BMI Body Fat Percentage, Yoga, etc

7.2. Zero technology use day

8. Other ideas...just play

8.1. Talent Show for each grade level and Concerts for each grade level and Drama for each grade level

8.2. Costume day...theme