Historical Documents - Matthew Estrada

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Historical Documents - Matthew Estrada by Mind Map: Historical Documents - Matthew Estrada

1. Declaration of Independence

1.1. General purpose?

1.1.1. The general purpose of this document is to state that we are free from Britain.

1.2. Who wrote it?

1.2.1. Thomas Jefferson was responsible for writing it.

1.3. Time frame?

1.3.1. The time frame that the document was significant was from 1776 to Present.

1.4. Structure

1.4.1. The document is structured by starting with a preamble, then a list of truths, and that they are free of Great Britain.

1.5. Top 5

1.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document is that everyone has the Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit to Happiness. Popular Sovereignty from this document says that the people have the power, and control. Finally, U.S. states we are free from Britain.

2. Northwest Ordinance

2.1. General purpose?

2.1.1. The general purpose of this document was to make the Northwest territory, for more land.

2.2. Who wrote it?

2.2.1. Nathan Dane was responsible for writing it.

2.3. Time frame?

2.3.1. The time frame that this document is significant is 1787 - Present.

2.4. Structure

2.4.1. The document is structured by articles and sections.

2.5. Top 5

2.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document are everybody has natural rights, slavery was not allowed in the Northwest Territory, people expanding into this territory caused a war against the Native Americans and the settlers, 6 more states were added to the U.S., and this had an organized government in these states.

3. Articles of Confederation

3.1. General purpose?

3.1.1. The general purpose of this document is that it is the first form of an organized central government, but it was weak and this what was the starting point of the making of the Constitution, once they learned this wasn't going to work.

3.2. Who wrote it?

3.2.1. John Dickinson was responsible for writing it.

3.3. Time frame?

3.3.1. The time frame this document is significant is 1777 - Present.

3.4. Structure

3.4.1. The document is structured by articles.

3.5. Top 5

3.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document are it made the USA as a confederation of sovereign states, the northwest ordinance was made because of this, helped direct the American Revolutionary war, helped deal with territorial issues, and served as its first constitution.

4. Constitution

4.1. General purpose?

4.1.1. The general purpose of this document is to create a strong government.

4.2. Who wrote it?

4.2.1. James Madison was responsible for writing it.

4.3. Time frame?

4.3.1. The time frame the document is significant is 1787 - Present.

4.4. Structure

4.4.1. The document is structured by articles, and then sections.

4.5. Top 5

4.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document are that each state can have two representatives in Senate, U.S. must provide general welfare, and also common defense. Says there must be 3 branches of government that must share power equally. Nobody is above the law... no matter who.

5. Bill of Rights

5.1. General purpose?

5.1.1. The general purpose of this document is to inform people of what their individual rights are.

5.2. Who wrote it?

5.2.1. James Madison was responsible for writing it.

5.3. Time frame?

5.3.1. The time frame that this document is significant is 1789 - Present.

5.4. Structure

5.4.1. The document is structured by amendments.

5.5. Top 5

5.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document is the people have the freedom of speech, you have the right to bear arms, no one is aloud to search and seizure your possessions without a warrant, the people have the freedom to choose their religion, and you can not be charged with a cruel and unusual punishment.

6. Federalist Papers

6.1. General purpose?

6.1.1. The general purpose of this document was to convince people that the Constitution should be ratified.

6.2. Who wrote it?

6.2.1. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay was responsible for writing it.

6.3. Time frame?

6.3.1. The time frame this document is significant is 1788 - Present.

6.4. Structure

6.4.1. The document is structured by articles.

6.5. Top 5

6.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document is this is a big argument that gave us the constitution, this encouraged the ratification for the constitution, fought for the the idea of Federalism, they made separated powers which had three branches of power, and they made the checks and Balances.

7. Anti-Federalist Papers

7.1. General purpose?

7.1.1. The general purpose of this document was to convince people that the Constitution should not be ratified.

7.2. Who wrote it?

7.2.1. George Clinton, Robert Yates, Samuel Bryan, Melancton Smith, Richard Henry Lee, and Mercy Otis Warren was responsible for writing it.

7.3. Time frame?

7.3.1. The time frame this document is significant is 1787 - Present.

7.4. Structure

7.4.1. The document is structured by a series of essays.

7.5. Top 5

7.5.1. The top 5 most important things we need to know about this document are they were responsible for the Bill of rights being added to the constitution, they were fighting for indivdual liberties, they were worried that a central government would be to overpowering, they wanted the states to have there own power, and they were worried about the central government taxing.