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Cardiologist by Mind Map: Cardiologist

1. Why do I want to be a cardiologist?

1.1. First and foremost, to help people who are having trouble with one of the most important organs in the body.

1.2. To be well respected within the community

1.3. To provide a good life style for my family

1.4. To be able to help safe lives

1.5. To be able to help safe lives

2. What kinds of things does a cardiologist do?

2.1. Does checkups on people to check for heart abnormarlities

2.2. Treats patients with heart problems

2.3. Reads test of people who have heart problems

2.4. Does research on heart related problems and how to relate them to each patient

3. What kinds of questions do thriving cardiologist attempt to answer or solve?

3.1. How to prevent heart disease

3.1.1. Cardiologist are always looking to find new ways to help detect heart problems before they get serious.

3.2. How to treat patients with heart disease

3.2.1. Cardiologist are constantly experimenting with different medicines to give patients with heart problems.

3.3. How to effectively cut the cost of heart health care

3.4. How to diagnose patients correctly and efficiently

4. Where can a cardiologist work?

4.1. At a hospital

4.2. At a privately doctors facility

4.3. Start their own doctors office