
This is a contextual overview of the family initiated business events in SelfDesign

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Family by Mind Map: Family

1. 2B. Reenrollment

2. 2A. SD Enrollment

3. 15. Withdrawal

4. 4B. Weekly Learning Reporting

5. 3B. Learning Plan Creation

6. 5. Periodic Reviews

7. 8A. Internal Program Enrollment

8. 8B. External Program Enrollment

9. 10. Parental/Family Development

10. 1. SD Inquiry

11. 9. Community and Connection

12. 7B. External Resources

13. 7A. Internal Resources

14. 6. LC Change Request

15. 11A. Help Request

16. 11B. Feedback

17. 13. Refers New Families

18. 3A. Elicits Learning Plan

19. 4A. Observing/Valuing Learning

20. 12. Shares SD experiences with others outside SD