Summary of stress article

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Summary of stress article by Mind Map: Summary of stress article

1. Stress is not always bad, in small amounts it can help you to perform well under pressure and to motivate you to do your best. Stress is the physical response to events that upset your balance in some way. It can be either real or imagined in situations where you sense danger and your body naturally reacts by an action called the stress response. This stress response is protecting you, it helps you stay concentrated, energetic and alert. But if the stress gets beyond a point and becomes too extreme, this is where it can start to cause some damage to your health, mood, productivity, relationships, etc.

1.1. Stress can easily come without you noticing, but it is very important to be able to detect your stress levels. It can become a norm for you if it goes unnoticed for very long. There are four types of symptoms you can identify with stress; Cognitive, Emotional, Physical and Behavioural. The limit of stress for everyone is going to be different. Some people can handle more, some people can’t. Your tolerance depends solely on the influences you have around you. BBC Stress Quiz Score: 10/32

2. Stress is something that everyone gets however it is not always a bad thing. It is a physical response to events that put you in a state of danger. Stress test score: 12/32. Having a stress level score of between 0-16 shows that you have a low level of stress. Having a score between 17-24 shows that you have a medium level of stress. If you have a score of between 25-32 means that you have a high level of stress. There are several signs of an individual being stressed: loss of appetite, leaving conversations and having trouble sleeping which can lead to irritation with friends and family.

3. Deyan

3.1. Stress is really common in teenagers due to the pressure school causes. Some people find it hard to cope with stress, others just get rid of stress easily. People who cope with stress and can manage it live a happier life however people who are really stressed are mostly sad and really agitated. I have scored a 10 out of 32, Anything below 16 is good amount of stress on a daily basis. Most of the time if I have a small amount of stress I don't freak out about it I just talk things out or try and find a better way to deal with the stress.

3.2. Stress mostly occurs when the person feels that they don't have control over the subject that they are under pressure the whole time. An example of this would be exams how they are coming and you cant do anything about it and you are under pressure to do well in them.

4. Kai

4.1. Stress is completely natural. When you sense danger, you evoke the stress response. It helps you stay alert and focused. Sometimes this stress can be too much, where it starts to affect your cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral responses. Affecting things like memory, moodiness, aching, and procrastination. When stress starts getting out of hand, one should follow the 5 steps to mental wellbeing: connecting to people, being physically active, learning things, giving things to others, and taking notice of whats happening around you. Doing this helps you achieve mindfulness, and helps take away the stress. Mindfulness is the state where you direct your attention to your experiences, as it unfolds, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. Rather than worrying about what has happened or might happen, it helps you to accept what comes whether good or bad. Apart from relieving stress, mindfulness can improve sleep, lower blood pressure, treat depression, and treat OCD.

4.2. Scored 13 out of 32 on the Stress Test. Meaning I have low stress, or am coping with the amount of stress I'm under.

5. Regine

5.1. Stress is not always a bad thing, in fact it is the natural response to things and events that put you under pressure. One of the positive benefits of stress is that it helps you stay focused and alert. However, when misused, it can affect your relationships, health and mood drastically and damage it. Some of the symptoms of stress are: memory problems, poor judgement, constant worrying. After taking the quizzes, stress causes people to have insomnia and they cause people to be out of character and act irritable. The lack of control causes people lots of stress. My results for the survey was 18 out of 32 which means that I am usually under medium stress. Stress can be dealt with in many different ways, depending on the individual, dealing with stress should always have a positive effect. For example, people reading or doing yoga (activities that don't require a lot of thinking or a lot of movement) help people relax. Other people like to do activities that require their adrenaline such as mountain biking, scuba diving and more. It really depends on the person. Studies have also shown that music can improve stress and mental health.

6. Ayushi

6.1. Stress is a natural response to anything in your life that may be threatening or worrying. Stress is not always a bad thing, as it could save lives. It is your bodies way of protecting you. In the modern world, stress is very common and can be caused by things as conventional as deadlines, or expectations set upon you. Although too much stress can lead to an unhealthy mind and body, and even harm your professional and personal relationships, a reasonable amount of stress can actually work as a very good motivator to get things done. That being said, it is important to keep your stress levels in check, as to not get overstressed.

6.2. Symptoms of stress can include memory problems, inability to concentrate, anxious or racing thoughts. There are three elements in the entire concept of stress - the stressor, the perception of the stressor, and our body's reaction to the stress. The first component is what causes stress is the perpetrator.

7. India

7.1. Stress Symptoms, Signs, & CausesStress is not always bad, it can help you to perform well under pressure. Stress the body's response to protecting itself (e.g Slamming the breaks in a car), it can also make more concentrated and focused when you are working. On the other side of the spectrum stress can be unhealthy, it can affect your moods, relationships or your productivity. Everyone experiences stress in different ways. Some even get used to feeling stressed. Stress overload can be dangerous as it can not only lead to physical health but also to mental health. Psychologists have created an analogy to describe the three most common ways in which people respond to stress: "fight", "flight", or "freeze". There are numerous symptoms and sign of stress overload ranging from physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms, emotional symptoms or behavioural symptoms. It is important to know your limits due to the numerous risks stress can cause. Your ability to tolerate stress depends on your support network (A good bunch of friends and family), your attitude outlook in life, your ability to face your emotions and your knowledge and preparation. Things that cause stress are called stressors. Stress is not only caused by external causes but also it can be self-generated (e.g you put so much pressure on yourself). Some common external causes of stress include, major life changes, work or school, financial issues, relationship difficulties,being to busy or family and friends. Come examples of internal causes of stress include chronic worry,pessimism, negative self-talk, unrealistic expectations/perfectionism, rigid thinking, lack of flexibility,all-or-nothing attitude. Chronic stress can be very dangerous. Some its affect are that it can raise blood pressure, affect your immune system, it can increase the risk of heart attacks or stroke, it can be one of the contributing factors which lead to infertility. Long-term stress can even have some very serious it can rewire your brain, which can then lead to leaving you more susceptible to anxiety and depression. Many people deal with stress in different ways, some choose to turn to alcohol, some turn to comfort food, stare at the tv or computer forever, or some people tend to lash out at other people. Ways to deal with stress are to "avoid", "alter", "adapt" and "accept" it. There are other ways of dealing with stress such as setting aside relaxation time, exercising regularly, eating a healthy dress, and getting enough sleep. Other ways of dealing with stress is by the quick stress relief technique, where you use your senses to relax yourself.

7.2. 0-16 low stress, 17-24 medium stress, 25-32 high stress You scored a 17 You are showing some of the symptoms of stress, suggesting that you may not always be coping with the day-to-day pressure you are under.

7.2.1. Stress is how the body reacts to worry, frustration and anger. Things that stress people are different for everybody. A common cause are pressures. Some of the things people feel when they are stressed are anxiety and depressed as it is takes a lot of work. Some physical effects are headaches, sweating and stomach ache. Coping With Exam Anxiety Article: Being aware of anxiety can reduce stress. Normal levels of stress can be good as they push you to work hard. Some causes of anxiety are sleepless nights, short tempers, poor appetite and comfort eating, or a tendency drink or smoke more. Anxiety can be linked to being poorly prepared, being worried, if you've had a bad experience with previous exam, your expectations may be to high, or you're not feeling 100% or you are on medication. To reduce anxiety you must make sure that you plan your revision and take proper breaks. Try not o panic and make sure that you get a good night sleep. During a text if feel anxious or nervous make sure that you have everything and take your time, read the questions a few times and then answer. You can highlight the question to help you. Take a few deep breathes and calm down

8. Leinad

8.1. Stress is normally associated with being a negative feeling that is exerted onto people, but there are many benefits to stress. One of the positives of stress is that it is a sign that you are nervous about something and nervs can be good, as it means that you want to achieve the highest level of success in what ever you are doing.

9. Brenden

9.1. Stress is a natural part of life and dealing with stress is also another skill that people need to learn nowadays. The thing that does not help stress is modern life and things that happen on a day to day basis. But as bad as people may think stress is, it can help in some situations such as situations that fall under pressure and it can motivate you.

10. Daniel

10.1. Individuals can get stressed out about many different things going on in their lives. These things may be school related. For example: people tend to get stressed out when burdened with a difficult homework. Other times though, people get stressed out about personal issues, such as what is going on in your family.

10.2. Some easy ways to reduce stress can be quite simply to perform daily activities and even to just sleep well on a daily basis. It is recommended to do a simple exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Exercising will release chemicals that will motivate you more.

10.3. If you want to talk to someone about anything that is stressing you out, it is important that you feel close to this person. This could include a familly member or a friend. The Important thing is that you feel a connection of trust with you. If they care about you, they will tend to help you in your situation.

10.4. It is always important to be keenly aware of those around you. If you suspect that someone is stressed out, or that someone close to you is acting differently, then you should talk to them as they are your friends. If they ask for space though, do as they say.

11. Eline

11.1. Stress is natural, and in some situations life saving. It's the body's way of reacting to a life threatening situation in the form of fight, flee, freeze. These are the three main reactions to stress; fight is doing the best you can to complete a task on time, flee is procrastinating and hiding from you responsibilities and freeze is completely breaking down, letting this one task control your life. Different people deal with stress in different ways, binge eating, smoking/drinking, procrastinating etc but the optimal ways would be setting relaxation time, doing lots of physical activity, eating healthily and getting lots of sleep. Dealing correctly with stress is very important because it is not a matter to be taken lightly, stress can majorly damage your health by causing health problems such as heart disease, depression, weight problems, insomnia and much more.

11.2. Mindfulness improves both physical and mental health. It roots from buddhism although a lot of religions have different methods (meditation/prayers) to guide your thoughts away from your busy daily life. Improving and practicing mindfulness is quite simple; Meditation - sitting somewhere quiet, focusing only on your breathing or on a word or 'mantra' that you repeat. Let any thought come to you without judgement. Mindfulness improves well being: - supports many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life. - makes it easier to savour the things you enjoy in life. Mindfulness improves physical health: - relieves stress - treat heart disease - lower blood pressure - improve sleep Mindfulness improves mental health: - depression - substance abuse - eating disorders - anxiety disorfers

11.3. How to cope with stress: Be active - physical activity can reduce emotional intensity, clear your thoughts and enable you to deal with your problems more efficiently. Also when you exercise the 'feel good' hormone is released which as the name states makes you feel better. Take control - There is a solution to every problem so with positive attitude you can over come anything. This is also considered as part of taking control which in itself is a necessary part of find a solution that satisfies you. Connecting with people - A good support of friends/ family/ colleagues can ease your work troubles and help give you different perspectives. "A problem shared is a problem halved." Have some 'me time' - People don't spend enough time doing the things they like because of reasons like work hours and homework. Challenge yourself - Setting yourself goals and challenges helps to build up confidence, these can be anything whether that is at school/ work or outside Avoid unhealthy habits - Smoking, caffeine and alcohol are common ways people cope with stress however this is not the way the to go. In the long term these will only worsen your life. Do volunteer work - Evidence shows that people who help others become more resilient. This doesn't necessarily have to be community or charity work it can also be much more basic like doing someone a favour every day. Be positive - Every day writing down three days which went well or for which you're grateful can really help. Making a conscious effort helps you train yourself to become more positive. Accept thing you can't change - Sometimes changing a difficult situation is not possible, when this happens it is important to recognise and accept things as they are on and then focus on the things that you do have control over.

11.4. How to cope with stress: Be active - physical activity can reduce emotional intensity, clear your thoughts and enable you to deal with your problems more efficiently. Also when you exercise the 'feel good' hormone is released which as the name states makes you feel better. Take control - There is a solution to every problem so with positive attitude you can over come anything. This is also considered as part of taking control which in itself is a necessary part of find a solution that satisfies you. Connecting with people - A good support of friends/ family/ colleagues can ease your work troubles and help give you different perspectives. "A problem shared is a problem halved." Have some 'me time' - People don't spend enough time doing the things they like because of reasons like work hours and homework. Challenge yourself - Setting yourself goals and challenges helps to build up confidence, these can be anything whether that is at school/ work or outside Avoid unhealthy habits - Smoking, caffeine and alcohol are common ways people cope with stress however this is not the way the to go. In the long term these will only worsen your life. Do volunteer work - Evidence shows that people who help others become more resilient. This doesn't necessarily have to be community or charity work it can also be much more basic like doing someone a favour every day. Be positive - Every day writing down three days which went well or for which you're grateful can really help. Making a conscious effort helps you train yourself to become more positive. Accept thing you can't change - Sometimes changing a difficult situation is not possible, when this happens it is important to recognise and accept things as they are on and then focus on the things that you do have control over.

12. Mallika

12.1. Stress is not always bad, in small amounts it can help you to perform well under pressure and to motivate you to do your best. Stress is the physical response to events that upset your balance in some way. It can be either real or imagined in situations where you sense danger and your body naturally reacts by an action called the stress response. This stress response is protecting you, it helps you stay concentrated, energetic and alert.

12.1.1. Stress can easily come without you noticing, but it is very important to be able to detect your stress levels. It can become a norm for you if it goes unnoticed for very long. There are four types of symptoms you can identify with stress; Cognitive, Emotional, Physical and Behavioural. BBC Stress test score: 10/32

12.2. Wellbeing is often perceived to be only about happiness, but the truth is that wellbeing involves both the mind and the body. There is a close relation between physical and mental wellbeing. Contentment, enjoyment, confidence and engagement with the world are all part of mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing can take many different forms but it is good to generally know that the description is feeling good and functioning well.

12.2.1. There are many factors that influence our wellbeing, and evidence shows that the actions that we take and the way we think have the biggest impact. Professor Stewart-Brown says that “The first thing you can do for your own wellbeing is become curious, as no-one can give wellbeing to you. It’s you who has to take action.” There are 5 steps to mental wellbeing; connect, be active, keep learning, give to others and take notice. Eating, asking for help, taking time off to relax and believing in yourself can also improve your wellbeing.

12.3. Mindfulness involves learning to direct our attention to our experience as it unfolds, moment by moment, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. Rather than worrying about what has happened or might happen, it trains us to respond skillfully to good or bad situations.

12.3.1. Mindfulness is learned in a practical way, through experience rather than talk. Mindfulness training has been proven to improve health and wellbeing. It also helps people of all ages to learn more effectively, think more clearly, perform better and to feel calmer, less anxious and less depressed.

13. Takamitsu

13.1. Stress Test Score 14/32 = Low Stress, meaning that I am being able to manage my stress in certain level. I believe playing sports quite often helps it to maintain my stress in such low levels.

13.2. Stress is mainly coming from realisation that you don't have a control over something. This can be anything, for example waking up for school every morning can also be stress too. To deal with stress, it is important to find out what the reason of stress is, and make some way to release the stress. If stress is kept inside for long period, it may lead to serious illness. It's also very important to realised early that you're under stress, and see the symptoms of stress such as short temper, sweating etc.

13.2.1. Especially since I live in the boarding house, meaning living with your friends 24/7, there is source of stress everywhere in my life. At first when I came here to UWCSEA, and to boarding house, I wasn't able to manage my stress so well which made me quite short-tempered. However, I learned to become used to it, and now I tend to release my stress well in sports such as football.

13.2.2. After realising what causes your stress, you need to know how to deal with these stress. First and the most easiest one will be removing the source of stress. However, not all the stress can be removed, for example as I said, school. It is something you need to attend and you really do not have so much choice. To deal with these stress, you're recommended to do things such as, eating healthier food, Exercising, Spending time with your friends and family, create a time to relax and the most important when things are getting out of control, asking for help. There are many other way, but these will be the easiest ways to resolve stress.

13.2.3. Mindfulness is about directing an attention to your experience, understanding each moments with the best curiosity and acceptance about it. It's foundation is about training the "muscle of attention". It is mainly about bringing in the mind from a floating through with many thoughts, focusing and aiming on one thing to understand it deeper level. It doesn't have to be necessary about educational things, it can also be about your breathing, your movement, to focus your mind. This decreases the amount of stress on you which gives off positive results

14. Emiko

14.1. Stress test score: 13/32 Stress test score: 13/32

14.1.1. It means I'm not really stressed right now. Stress is when you have no control of yourself because there are too much things on you that much over the capacity.

14.1.2. In my case I don't really feel stress even if I have many homeworks or tests, but feel more stress for relationship with people or parents.

14.2. Part 2 Eating good food is good for not only my mind, but also for my mind, because of the contents that food have; boold suger, protein, and good fats. They will help to prevent depression, lack of concentration and tension, and being dizzy.

14.3. Part3 In the school in UK are practicing the technique of mindfulness. It helps students to reduce their stress and focus, especially at exam season. The teacher in this school thinks teenagers are spending stressful than before because of Facebook, twitter and all other online sources. He thinks this practice works to any children in any environment. Professor Katherine Weare says these students’ mind are reshaped by doing these practices. The parts of brain that respond to stress are getting smaller, and the parts of brain that feel calm and kind to other people are growing and reshaping.

15. Gethin

15.1. One of the main ways of dealing with stress to be active by actively participating in a sport or some sort of physical activity as it enables us to forget what is going on at the moment and focus on the activity. Exercise does not completely get rid of stress but it does reduce some of the emotional intensity that you're feeling. Another way of relieving stress is to do some sort of volunteer work or service as research shows that by taking in part in these types of activities as it enables us to become more resilient and appreciate what we have. By doing this it helps to put our problems into perspective and make us feel grateful for what we have.

15.2. I think that everyone has dealt or will deal with stress throughout their lifetime. Stress is very common amongst people and sometimes isn't always a bad thing as it is sometimes an indicator as to how serious something is as the more important something is the more people tend to stress about it. I think it is important that we try to stay relaxed at all times as when I am stressed I do not perform as well as I do when I am relaxed. So I try to stay relaxed at all times in order to achieve my full potential in everything I do. Stress Score: 6/32

16. Anna-

16.1. Signs of being stressed:The bbc stress test tested your amount of stress from a scale of 0-32. 0-16 was low stress, 17-25 was medium and everything above 25 was high stress. There are several signs of being stressed, the loss of appetite, withdrawn from conversations and the idea of not wanting to be included into group chats and hangouts. Sometimes people may have trouble sleeping and this can cause being irritated with friends and family. One thing about stress is that is can easily build up into something much bigger. As soon as you are feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and talk to friends and family to make sure how to deal with the work or activity.

16.2. Exercise has a correlation with mental and physical health: the brain releases chemicals during exercise that creates a feel good feeling. These chemicals are the same in antidepressants. Therefore if you are feeling anxiety or depressed it is better for the body to do exercise than take pills.

16.3. Exam Anxiety .Normal levels of stress can actually help you work and think faster plus make you more efficient. .But too much anxiety can have a bad effect on your brain and wellbeing. It can cause short temper so you become very irritable. Also poor appetite, not eating enough or not eating the right things. During exam time stomach butterflies may occur as well as sleepless nights. This causes the brain and body to be tired and not work as well as it should.

16.4. How to deal with stress: 1. Avoid Caffeine as this substance is a stimulant that will increase the levels of stress 2. Talk to someone as talking about what your stressed about can make you reflect and make you feel like someone understands 3. Get more sleep because when you are sleep deprived everything seems worse than it is 4. Get involved in physical activity as this releases adrenaline and hormones that make you feel good. Exercise also makes you concentrate on the task infront rather than thinking about all the work you have going on 5. Manage the time you have. This could mean creating a list (eg "To do" list) that helps you plan out tasks ahead.

17. Scott

17.1. Stress is often affiliated with a negative connotation. However I believe that stress can be used to help motivate or promote an action. For example, stress often helps me motivate myself as it presents itself as a deadline. On the flip side, sometimes people cannot handle stress and it becomes too much of a burden thus caving in on people, this is where stress becomes dangerous. Exercise has a very strong correlation to curing stress for me. Whenever I feel stressed I often go exercise, or play sports. Due to release of endorphins this allows for me to come back to my topic with less stress and anxiety and more concentration.

18. Rendy

18.1. Stress is something that everyone gets however it is not always a bad thing. It is a physical response to events that put you in a state of danger.

18.2. Stress can have both positive and negative impacts on human being. Under certain circumstances such as danger, certain forces the body to be more focused, concentrated and alert. However, excess amount of stress is bad for the body. It can affect our mental and physical health. There are four main symptoms of stress, namely: Cognitive, Emotional, Physical and Behavioural. The cognitive symptoms are memory problems, inability to concentrate.The emotional symptoms are moodiness, irritability or short temper. The physical symptoms are aches and pains, chest pains and rapid heartbeat. The behavioural symptoms are eating more or less and sleeping too much or too little. There are certain things that affect our stress tolerance level:

19. Andrew

19.1. Stress is something that everyone gets however it is not always a bad thing. It is a physical response to events that put you in a state of danger. Stress test score: 12/32. Having a stress level score of between 0-16 shows that you have a low level of stress. Having a score between 17-24 shows that you have a medium level of stress. If you have a score of between 25-32 means that you have a high level of stress. There are several signs of an individual being stressed: loss of appetite, leaving conversations and having trouble sleeping which can lead to irritation with friends and family.

19.2. Normal levels of stress is good for you and can help you work. It helps individuals think faster and more efficiently as well as improves your performance. It can cause individuals to have sleepless nights, short temper, butterflies in your stomach, poor appetite and a tendency to drink alcohol or smoke. Some causes of anxiety include being generally anxious, being poorly prepared, had bad experiences in previous exams, you are a perfectionist or you are not feeling well. Many people suffer from exam anxiety which is one thing that can easily be prevented. Exam anxiety can be prevented by planning revision properly and taking proper breaks.

20. Stress is completely natural. When you sense danger, you evoke the stress response. It helps you stay alert and focused. Sometimes this stress can be too much, where it starts to affect your cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral responses. Affecting things like memory, moodiness, aching, and procrastination. When stress starts getting out of hand, one should follow the 5 steps to mental wellbeing: connecting to people, being physically active, learning things, giving things to others, and taking notice of whats happening around you. Doing this helps you achieve mindfulness, and helps take away the stress. Mindfulness is the state where you direct your attention to your experiences, as it unfolds, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. Rather than worrying about what has happened or might happen, it helps you to accept what comes whether good or bad. Apart from relieving stress, mindfulness can improve sleep, lower blood pressure, treat depression, and treat OCD.