Copy and define the Problem: You borrow an iphone from a friend and accidentally break it.

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Copy and define the Problem: You borrow an iphone from a friend and accidentally break it. by Mind Map: Copy and define the Problem: You borrow an iphone from a friend and accidentally break it.

1. Explore the Alternatives -Don't have your friend borrow your phone -Ask the friend to fix the phone for you

1.1. Consider the Consequences -You might get really mad at you friend -You might get a new phone -Your parents might get really mad at you -Your friend might blame it on someone else

1.1.1. Identify Your Values -You might lose that friend forever -You will find new friends that you trust more -That friend might not be able to trust them anymore Decide and Act Do not just get mad at your friend but just remember that it could have been an accident. Get a new phone and forgive and forget. Evaluate the Results Figure out why she would have broke the phone. How she broke it Decide if you should still trust her (if she is a true friend) Just forgive and forget