Define the Problem You accidentally killed someone while hunting because you thought they were a ...

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Define the Problem You accidentally killed someone while hunting because you thought they were a deer. by Mind Map: Define the Problem You accidentally killed someone while hunting because you thought they were a deer.

1. Explore the Alternatives - Hide the body. - Turn yourself in. - Frame your hunting partner. - Go into hiding.

1.1. Consider the Consequences 1. Hide the body: Someone could find it and you would be in big trouble. 2. Turn yourself in: You would probably go to jail for a long time. 3. Frame Someone Else: They might have an alibi or proof that they didn't do it and the suspicion might turn to you. 4. Go into Hiding: I won't be able to see my family or friends anymore, and I will always have to live very cautiously, and there is a chance that I will be found out.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values My most important value is to tell the truth so if I frame someone else or hide the body that would be going against it. Decide and Act I think the best option would be hiding the body because you could clean it well and make sure there is no evidence against you and you would not be caught. Evaluate the Results How did your decision work out? No one found out you killed that guy, it turned into a cold case. How has it affected your life? It made you sad that you accidentally killed someone, but life goes on. How has it affected others? Other than giving the cops a hard time and having the dead guy's family be sad there isn't much of a difference in the world. What did you learn? To be more careful while hunting. If you could do it over again, what would you do differently? You would watch more carefully before I shoot.