Define the Problem Your best friend asks you to take some of your dad's beer and bring it to the ...

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Define the Problem Your best friend asks you to take some of your dad's beer and bring it to the party tonight. by Mind Map: Define the Problem Your best friend asks you to take some of your dad's beer and bring it to the party tonight.

1. Explore the Alternatives - You sneak a pack of the beer in your gym bag and hope your dad doesn't notice it's gone -Tell your friend to get her dad's beer instead -Kindly decline and say you won't be drinking and she shouldn't drink and that you are not going to steal from your dad.

1.1. Consider the Consequences - You could be the cool kid of the party that brings the alcohol and all of your friends thank you but this is a very risky and bad decision because you will most likely get in a lot of trouble with your dad and face harsh punishments. -You could tell your friend to get her dad's beer and therefore put in her in the position she put you in, with the peer pressure to steal and lie to her parents, and you don't want to put her in the place she put you in. -You could be honest to your friend and tell her she is putting you in a bad position and you don't want to make the wrong choices and don't want her to make bad choices.

1.1.1. An important value to have is honesty, drinking alcohol without your parents permission or pretending to be okay with drinking is lying about who you are just to fit in. You must be honest to your friend and realise that if she is a good friend she will also realise that it is a bad decision. Decide and Act You realise that drinking is a bad idea and stealing from your dad is even worse. You have decided that even if you did get away with it, you would know it was the wrong thing to do and wouldn't be proud of it either. You tell your friend that you do not promote drinking or stealing and are upset that she tried to get you to do that, you let her know your values and hope she realises what she did wrong. Evaluate the Results Your friend realised the mistake she made and apologised, you accepted it and you went to the party together and still hd a great time. This decision you made stays with you as a good reminder that being truthful and knowing that you are putting yourself ion the best position you can be in is important.If you could do it over again you wouldn't spend so much time thinking about it and quickly tell your friend how you feel.

2. E