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ACES- Oceanography создатель Mind Map: ACES- Oceanography

1. Migration

1.1. Pathways of marine life

1.2. Compare and Contrast movement of different animals.

1.3. Consider how needs are met in the ocean.

2. National Marine Sanctuaries

2.1. Olympic Coast

2.2. Cordell Bank

2.3. Gulf of the Farallones

2.4. Channel Islands

2.5. Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale

2.6. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

2.7. Fagatele Bay

2.8. Flower Garden Bank

2.9. Florida Keys

2.10. Gray's Reef

2.11. Monitor

2.12. Stellwagen Bank

2.13. Thunder Bay

2.14. Monterey Bay

2.15. National Marine

3. Seasons of Change.

3.1. Solar radiation and Earth's tilt

3.2. Distance of Sun not related to seasons.

3.3. Rays matter

4. Voyage to the Deep

4.1. Pressure and light change.

4.2. Coping mechanisms of animals of the deep.

5. Biodiversity

5.1. Organisms in the sea

5.2. Cells, Fundamental unit of life.

5.3. Adaptations of marine species.

5.4. Similarities and differences between organisms.

6. Food Webs

6.1. Web construction

6.2. Role of phytoplankton

7. Tides

7.1. Connection between tides and how the sun, moon and Earth are aligned.

7.2. Marine reproduction can be related to tides.

8. ACES Research

8.1. Use of website

9. Ecosystems

9.1. Open Ocean

9.2. Deep Sea

9.3. Mangrove Forest

9.4. Kelp Forest

9.5. Coral Reef

9.6. Rocky Shore

9.7. Polar Sea

9.8. Salt Marsh

10. Ocean over time

10.1. Food

10.2. Products from the sea

10.3. Recreation

10.4. Trade and Navigation

10.5. Scientific Exploration and Research

10.6. National Security

10.7. Ecosystem protection and management

10.8. Humans and the ocean

11. Explore the sea floor

11.1. mapping

11.2. graphing

11.3. identifying,locating and describing topography.

11.3.1. Bathymetry

12. Sea Surface

12.1. Sea Surface Temperature Imagery

12.2. Heat transfer in the ocean

12.3. Stored heat affects climate.

13. Phtosynthesis in the Ocean

13.1. How do photsynthetic animals get what they need?

13.2. The role of phytoplankton

13.3. Analyzing phytoplankton maps.

14. Which way to the sea?

14.1. Watersheds

14.2. Topographic maps

14.3. Connection between land and sea.

14.4. Water investigation.

15. Animal needs and tracking

15.1. Relationship between water temperature and dissolved oxygen.

15.2. Relationship between upwelling and marine life.

15.3. Winds, currents , eddies and bathymetry are related.

15.4. Eddies can be identified using bathymetry.

16. Runoff and phytoplankton

16.1. Human impact observable.

16.2. Results of addition of excess nutrients.

16.3. Eutrophication and its effects on ecosystems.