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Hamlet by Mind Map: Hamlet

1. Laertes' sister

2. sembolizes friendship,confidence

3. extreme love for Hamlet

4. new vision of life different from the Middle Age

4.1. new freedom for artists

5. revenge

6. tells Hamlet's story, restoring his name

7. nephew to the present king Claudius

8. Elisabethan period

9. psycological complexity of Hamlet

10. main representation of the dual nature of women

11. innocence and fragility

12. Polonius' daughter

13. Death as Leimotiv

14. Ophelia

14.1. dual nature of women

15. milestone in the development of reinassance drama

16. Hamlet's friend

17. Characters

17.1. Gertrude

17.1.1. King Claudius' wife Queen of Denmark

17.2. Hamlet

17.2.1. Getrude's son mother of Hamlet

17.2.2. relation with Ophelia

17.3. Witnesses King Hamlet's gost

17.3.1. Horatio

18. Sexuality and incest

19. Ur-Hamlet

20. Hamlet's effort to avenge the murder of his father

20.1. influence of Greek and Roman classics

21. influence of Renaissance

21.1. human characters with psycologically complexity

22. even monarchs are given human emotions and can make mistakes

23. revenge tragedy

24. Time

25. Background

25.1. written in around 1600

26. Genre

27. Plot