Process Abstraction

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Process Abstraction by Mind Map: Process Abstraction

1. Category

1.1. Where does this process live in the global ontology?

2. Articulation

2.1. What are the steps?

2.1.1. Written steps

2.1.2. Video

3. Roles

3.1. Who are the roles necessary to perform the process?

4. Output/Outcome

4.1. How do you know the process has been executed successfully? What is the result/output?

5. Definition

5.1. What is it?

6. Variables/User-Specific Factors

6.1. What elements must be input/changed to suit the end-user? Such as usernames, passwords, URLs, company-specific content.

7. Resources

7.1. What resources are necessary to execute the process?

7.1.1. Tool

7.1.2. Reference Media

7.1.3. Sample (Final Product Sample)

7.1.4. Template

7.1.5. Worksheet

8. Related Processes

8.1. Similar, complimentary, alternative, predecessor or successor tasks to this one