Learning Environment Senarios

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Learning Environment Senarios by Mind Map: Learning Environment Senarios

1. Computer Stations/Stand Alone Computer Lab

1.1. Student Focused

1.2. Able to differentiate

1.3. May have limited access

2. One to One Environment

2.1. Student focused

2.2. Requires constant monitoring

2.3. Student equity

2.4. easy to differentiate instruction

3. Interactive Whiteboards and Student Responder Techniques

3.1. Collaborative environment

3.2. Quick grading/feedback

4. Tablet Computing

4.1. Student focused

4.2. Expensive

4.3. requires wireless access

4.4. Can use anywhere

5. B.Y.O.D.

5.1. collaborative/student focued

5.2. Requires constant monitoring

5.3. Inequity for low income students

6. One Computer Classroom

6.1. Not ideal

6.2. Limiting

6.3. Teacher focused tech. use

7. Cloud Computing

7.1. Can access anywere

7.2. WiFi access necessary

7.3. Collaborative

8. Flipped Classroom

8.1. Student focused

8.2. Differentiation

8.3. harder to track student progress

9. Online Learning

9.1. Differentiation

9.2. Requires students to have constant access

9.3. Requires students to be self motivated

10. No Computer (by design)

10.1. Limiting 21st century skills

10.2. More face to face collaboration