Web 2.0 in the business

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Web 2.0 in the business by Mind Map: Web 2.0 in the business

1. Employees

1.1. Fast communication

1.1.1. Reminders-Presentations due

1.1.2. Notices for meetings

1.1.3. Work schedule changes

1.1.4. Availability for promotions/transfers

1.1.5. Notices of warnings/hearings

1.2. Globalization

1.2.1. Suggestions for new services

1.2.2. 24/7 communication platform

1.3. Interaction

1.3.1. Availability for promotions/transfers

1.3.2. Suggestions for new services/brainstorming

1.3.3. Improvement of existing service

1.3.4. Instant collaborations

2. Advertising Platform

2.1. Constant advertising of the service

2.2. Job postings

2.3. Competitions

3. Suppliers

3.1. Improved relationships

3.1.1. Constant communication

3.1.2. Intimate communication bonds

3.1.3. Surveys/questionnaires

4. Customers

4.1. Improved service

4.1.1. Basis for customer complaints/appraisals

4.1.2. Updates of improvements/new services

4.1.3. Job postings

4.1.4. Surveys/questionnaires