Research Exploration

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Research Exploration by Mind Map: Research Exploration

1. Smith et al.

1.1. How would a constructivist view and critique the current literature of student 'misconceptions' in mathematics and science?

2. Watson

2.1. Is it possible for learners to create examples of classes of object they have not met before?

2.2. Is it possible for non-advanced students to learn about mathematical objects and relationships by generating their own examples?

2.3. If so, what sort of conditions might contribute to learning?

3. Francisco

3.1. What is the relationship between problem solving and mathematical reasoning?

3.2. What are the conditions to develop problem solving and mathematical reasoning?

3.3. How do they develop?

4. Melissa Gresalfi

4.1. How do classroom practices shape affordances for engagement?

4.2. How are affordances for engagement realized?

5. Alen Schoenfeld

5.1. How can learning to cook inform mathematics instruction?

5.2. Of the four mathematical beliefs defined, persistent and robust are these beliefs in high school?

5.3. What are the possible origins of such beliefs?

6. diSessa

6.1. What are the primitives that form the system of cognition?

7. Nobel et al.

7.1. How do students incorporate tools into their 'lived-in spaces'?

7.2. How are these 'lived-in spaces' transformed?