Power and Government

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Power and Government by Mind Map: Power and Government

1. "The suffusion drained from Jacks face." Hope Pay

1.1. Jack's severe disappointment in losing the vote shows his determination to have power. Hope Pay

2. "There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws." (Golding 139) Mckenna

2.1. The boys don't have any rules. They have no government because they are all not themselves. They are the beast.

2.1.1. Beast Mckenna

3. "Roger took up a small stone and flung it between the twins, aiming to miss." Hope Pay

3.1. Just like before he couldn't bring himself to hurt someone else. There is still some sanity left in him Hope Pay

3.1.1. stones Picture by Spencer

3.2. "By common consent they were using the spears as sabers now, no longer daring to use the lethal points." Hope Pay

3.2.1. weapons mckenna

4. "The conch exploded into a thousand white pieces and ceased to exist."~Spencer (Golding 181)

4.1. This is symbolic because the conch was the object the brought the boys together and it is destroyed along with the democracy."~Spencer

4.1.1. "Sam, Eric, Piggy, and me - we aren't enough." (Golding, 179) ~Dane ...... This quote also shows that democracy is gone because no one can work together or wants to work together and Ralph's group was the only ones trying to keep democracy. ~Dane Broken Conch Mckenna

5. ""You haven't got it with you," said Jack, sneering. "You left it behind. See, clever? And the conch doesn't count at this end of the island-"" Hope Pay

5.1. The conch was one of the only thing that was structured on the island. But now that it has been stripped of its authority it may symbolize chaos is erupting. Hope Pay

6. "Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, traveled through the air sideways from the rock, turning over as he went." (Golding, 181) ~Dane

6.1. Analysis: Piggy dying with with the conch symbolizes the end of democracy because with the conch he should be able to talk but roger pushed the rock and killed him. ~Dane

6.1.1. It also show that Jack wants complete and utter control over the island~Spencer Communist Picture By Hope

7. "Chief, how do we make a fire? (Golding136) ~Spencer

7.1. This shows that Jack's tribe is still going to need fire to cook, but they have no way of making it themselves. So they are probably going to raid Ralph's village so get the specs. ~Spencer

7.1.1. Fire Picture By Dane

7.1.2. glasses Picture by Hope

8. "Round the squatting child was the protection of parents and school and policemen and the law."Hope Pay

8.1. The remains of civilization are still upon them. Hope Pay

8.1.1. Policemen Mckenna

9. I expect we'll want to know all their names," said the fat boy, "and make a list. We ought to have a meeting. (Golding 5) Mckenna

9.1. This is the first time someone mentions the meetings. it is the start of their governement.

10. Analysis: Ralph was trying to make sure they kept a stable government and made sure everyone knew their priorities on the island. ~ Dane

10.1. Also that jack is starting to dislike having meetings everyday and is going to try and change the rules for the better. ~spencer and picture

11. "Who will join my tribe and have fun? I am chief." (Golding150). ~Spencer

11.1. This shows that the tension is rising dramatically between the boys especially Jack and Ralph to the point that jack is leaving and starting his own tribe of hunters and having fun.~ Spencer

11.2. Chief Dane

11.3. Jack is so immature because he chooses to go crazy and have fun instead of putting the priority of rescue first. Hope Pay

12. "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you." Hope Pay

12.1. Innocence Mckenna

12.2. Jack referring to it as a game may symbolize them still having a little bit of child or innocence left in them. Hope Pay

13. "We've got to make smoke up there - Or die." (Golding,81.) ~Dane

13.1. Analysis : Ralph starts to realize the seriousness of the situation that they're in and that they have to work together or die.

13.2. Picture by Spencer.

13.3. Smoke and Fire

14. "Meeting. Don't we love meetings. Everyday, twice a day." (Golding,51.) ~Dane

15. " Jack made a rush and stabbed his spear at Ralph's chest" (Golding 177) ~ Spencer

15.1. This shows that the boys , Ralph and Jack, are fighting each other for control over the island and the other boys ~ Spencer

15.1.1. Control Hope Pay

16. "Some hidden passion vibrated in Ralphs voice. "But you haven't yet.""

16.1. Already Ralph is showing slight disliking of Jack and is seeming to provoke him. Hope Pay