Recommended links for thinking atheists

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Recommended links for thinking atheists by Mind Map: Recommended links for thinking atheists

1. News

1.1. Dziennik Polski

1.2. Telegraph

1.3. Le Monde

1.4. Guardian

1.5. Figaro

1.6. BBC

1.7. SVT

2. Popular Culture

2.1. Mark Simpson

2.2. Gay Times

2.3. Attitude

3. Materialistic,Retail

3.1. Mobile Phones

4. Morbid Fascination

4.1. Liveleak

4.2. Oddee

5. Economic and Political Comment

5.1. Economic Commentary

5.1.1. Housepricecrash

5.2. Left

5.2.1. World Socialist Web Site

5.2.2. Lenin's Tomb

5.2.3. Socialist Worker

6. Progressives

6.1. Atheists Who Love Photographing Churches

6.2. World Coalition against the Death Penalty

6.3. The Existentialist Internet Café

6.4. London Atheist Association

6.5. One Society Many Cultures

6.6. The Atheist Association

6.7. Unite Against Fascism

6.8. Islamophobia Watch

6.9. The Vegan Society

6.10. Animal Aid

7. Reactionaries

7.1. English Nationalists

7.1.1. English Defence League

7.1.2. British National Party

7.1.3. UKIP

7.2. Western Supremacists

7.2.1. London Atheists Meetup Group

7.2.2. Pat Condell

7.2.3. Atheism Ltd

7.2.4. UK Atheists

8. Cultural

8.1. Artistic

8.1.1. Fine Art

8.1.2. Literature

8.2. Theatre

8.2.1. Digital Theatre

8.3. Film

8.3.1. The Existentialist Film Club

9. Liberals

9.1. British Humanist Association

9.2. National Secular Society