Heartbroken diaries- initial ideas

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Heartbroken diaries- initial ideas by Mind Map: Heartbroken diaries- initial ideas

1. About the band preparing for the biggest gig of their lives and everything seems to be going wrong. they argue, instruments don't work. final they get it working and complete a great show.

2. A boy has a checklist for how to have the perfect life. goes through each step one by one until finally it all falls apart, showing nobody gets everything the one.

3. A boy and a girl getting ready for a date. The audience assumes that they are a couple and will be together. The suspense keeps building up until the time, in the final shot they walk straight past each other. not dating at all

4. two people getting ready for the day with separate lives, difference in males and females.

5. A couple breaks up because the girl has met someone else, and it is about the 5 stages of break up from a boys point of view. shows him fighting and a breakdown scene