To what extent is the "lesser of two evils" an ethically valid voting strategy?

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To what extent is the "lesser of two evils" an ethically valid voting strategy? by Mind Map: To what extent is the "lesser of two evils" an ethically valid voting strategy?

1. AOK - Memory: Past actions of a candidate that has made the news or social media and is in recent memory

1.1. How the President is handling the Isis situation and EBola crisis

1.2. Campaign commercials bashing another candidate

2. AOK - Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Culture often determines our decisions

2.1. DId Obama get elected because of "Black Pride?"

2.2. Is the candidate in question for or against what your religion believes?

3. AOK - Ethics: Candidates have done things morally wrong

3.1. How far will competing candidates go in-order to win a campagin?

3.1.1. "mudslinging" Commercials

3.1.2. scrutiny during public debates

3.2. How does social media play a role in how each candidate is portrayed?

3.2.1. Facebook

3.2.2. Youtube 2 minute commercial that have to be played

3.2.3. Twitter Candidates tweeting about each other

4. AOK - HIstory: Many candidates have won by landslides while others have won with a small margin

4.1. The 2012 Presidential campaign

4.2. the Campaign of ALexander Hamilton