To what extent can emotion influence irrational behaviour towards a group of people?

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To what extent can emotion influence irrational behaviour towards a group of people? by Mind Map: To what extent can emotion influence irrational behaviour towards a group of people?

1. Maths

1.1. Statistically, even the majority isnt enough to categorize an entire group.


1.2. Perhaps those who re radicals in a group are from a specific area. They are called radicals/ extremists for a reason, they are outliers, out of the norm

1.2.1. Reasoning

1.3. Numbers dont define a person and sometimes those numbers are incorrect.

1.3.1. Imagination

2. Ethics

2.1. All men are created equal. Not good, not bad, actions define a person

2.1.1. Imagination/ Faith/ Sencse Perception

2.2. Stereotypes and biases are not ethical

2.2.1. Intuition

2.3. Judging someone unjustly is not only unethical but its also a form of bullying

2.3.1. Emotion/ Language

2.4. Dont judge a book by it's cover

2.4.1. Faith/ Sense Perception

3. Human and Natural Sciences

3.1. The psychology behind this behaviour might correlate back to Humans and their desire to remain alive because they believe that different people may pose a threat. Can also be considered under Indigenous peoples... back to when tribes feared eachother

3.1.1. Language/ Intuition

3.2. The psychology behind this behaviour might correlate back to Humans and their desire to remain alive because they believe that different people may pose a threat. Can also be considered under Indigenous peoples... back to when tribes feared eachother

3.2.1. Intuition

3.3. usually, emotion and someone's schema plays a part in promoting hostility towards someone or something

3.3.1. Emotion

4. History

4.1. In the past, those who are outsiders have negatively affected the environment of those who previously reside in that same environment

4.1.1. Memory

4.2. THE NAZIS- a lot of them had similar view points and opinions about the Jews...

4.2.1. Memory

4.3. The crusaders did not represent the entire christian population and thus there is no way of telling whether one group represents the minority of majority

4.3.1. Reasoning/ Faith

4.4. Martin Luther King: I have a dream that one day my children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

4.4.1. even innocent children are being judged by biases MEMORY/ Imagination/ Reasoning