Alphabetical Order?

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Alphabetical Order? by Mind Map: Alphabetical Order?

1. Are the A's and B's in Alphabetical Order? ^^^

2. A's

2.1. Ant

2.2. Ape

2.3. Apple

2.4. As

3. Are the C's in order?

4. To figure out alphabetical order we look at the first letter, then the second.

4.1. Ant goes before apple because the n comes before the p in the alphabet!

4.2. Easy huh?

4.2.1. Now you try!

5. B's

5.1. Ball

5.1.1. Project specifications

5.1.2. End User requirements

5.1.3. Action points sign-off

5.2. Bat

5.2.1. Define actions as necessary

5.3. Base

6. C's

6.1. Cat

6.2. Car

6.3. Chase

6.4. Can