Copy of Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?
by Ly-ann T Low
1. Yes, it is realistic
1.1. Many Singaporean boys come from families that are descendants from immigrants so they struggle to find an identity among the many people from all races surrounding them and interacting with them
1.1.1. New node
2. No, it is not realistic
2.1. i feel that is is not realistic as every singaporean boy would have a different experience from wing. although they might have gone through the same stages of life, but not some singaporean boys might be smarter than wing or have a better family back ground than wing. not all singaporean boys might actually face the problem of finding the singaporean identity within themselves as they might have been used to the culture ever since they were born.
3. Key words & ideas
3.1. realistic portrayal
3.1.1. definition realistic: given to the representation of things as they really are. portrayal: depicting or representing
3.2. search for identity
3.2.1. definition Search: Look for something Identity: What a persons ideals and values are
3.3. Singaporean
3.3.1. definition Singaporean: a citizen of Singapore