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Learning Strategies создатель Mind Map: Learning Strategies

1. Publish your own Book

1.1. Story Jumper

1.2. Blurb

2. Reading

2.1. Taking Notes

2.1.1. NoteTaker1

2.1.2. GeneralNotetaker

2.1.3. CornellNotes

2.2. Reading Strategies

2.2.1. Free Audio Books

2.2.2. Natural Readers

2.2.3. Free Audio Books

3. Setting Goals

4. Bookshare

4.1. https://www.bookshare.org/cms/

5. Cool Math Games

5.1. Game Review By Charles

5.2. Building Demolisher

5.3. KuKoo Machine

5.4. Coolmath

6. Alternative Ways to do Projects

7. To Do Lists

7.1. Daily Planner

7.2. Task Tracker

8. Reading Skills

9. word voice dictation

10. Study Tips