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immigration by Mind Map: immigration

1. immigration

1.1. 13 colonies

1.2. inglish people without money came to the Americas

1.3. Delaware, Pennsylvania , New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island

1.4. pilgrims

2. end of the civil war

2.1. april 5th of 1865

2.2. the south give up

2.3. Andrew Johnson became president

2.4. thirteenth amendment

3. consecuenses of the civil war

3.1. slavery outlawed

3.2. citizenship for everyone

3.3. rigth to vote

3.4. 35 states

3.5. centralized federal goverment

3.6. 600000 deaths

4. begining of the civil war

4.1. lilcoln arrive to the power

4.2. the south part want to have slaves

4.3. the north didnt want to have slaves

5. development of the civil war

5.1. the south want to be independient

5.2. battles

5.2.1. fort sumter

5.2.2. wildernes

5.2.3. spotsylvania

5.2.4. cold harvor

5.2.5. gettysburg

6. political system

6.1. bill of rigths

6.2. limited goverment