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Our Place in the Universe создатель Mind Map: Our Place in the Universe

1. Laniakea

1.1. Supercluster of galaxies

1.2. 500 million light-years across

1.3. Neighbouring supercluster

1.3.1. Perseus Pisces

2. Virgo Supercluster

2.1. Consists of The Local Group and the Virgo cluster

2.2. 110 million light-years across

2.3. Part of a much bigger supercluster of galaxies, named Laniakea

3. Some names and terms you should know

3.1. Supercluster

3.1.1. The universe is basically an intricate network of galaxies

3.1.2. Some regions are almost empty, some densely packed with galaxies. These are called Superclusters

3.1.3. They are the biggest structures in the universe

3.2. Andromeda

3.2.1. The nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way galaxy

3.3. Alpha Centauri

3.3.1. Often referred to as the closest star to our sun

3.3.2. But is actually a system of 3 stars Alpha Centauri A Alpha Centauri B Proxima Centauri Red Dwarf Closest to our sun 4.24 light-years away

3.4. Light-year

3.4.1. Unit of length for astronomical distances

3.4.2. Distance that light can travel in one year

3.4.3. Light moves at a velocity of about 300.000 km per second

3.4.4. 1 ly = 10 trillion kilometers

4. Our Solar System

4.1. Sun

4.1.1. Our star

4.1.2. Center of our solar system

4.2. Planets

4.2.1. Mercury

4.2.2. Venus

4.2.3. Earth Us The third planet from the sun

4.2.4. Mars

4.2.5. Jupiter

4.2.6. Saturn

4.2.7. Uranus

4.2.8. Neptun

4.3. Part of The Milky Way

5. The Milky Way

5.1. Spiral-armed galaxy

5.2. 100.000 light-years across

5.3. Billions of stars

5.4. Part of "The Local Group"

6. The Local Group

6.1. Consists of 54 galaxies

6.2. 10 megalight-years across

6.3. Part of the Virgo Supercluster