How Officers Use Certain Devices To Solve Crimes and WhenThey Are Used.

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How Officers Use Certain Devices To Solve Crimes and WhenThey Are Used. создатель Mind Map: How Officers Use Certain Devices To Solve Crimes and WhenThey Are Used.

1. Which devices are commonly used

1.1. Cameras to record scenes. Usually used to document what went right and what could improve

1.2. Tazers, More effective than a Assault Rifle.

1.3. Thermal Imaging to see what can not be spotted with the naked eye.

2. What new ideas on things to solve conflicting issues would be most effective

2.1. New ideas could be more camera's in selected areas

2.2. Mini drones around where most crime is conducted

2.3. Automatic metal scans in public places

3. Can we stop more Crimes with more effective thinking

3.1. Ask more questions

3.2. Pinpoint What is most questionable

3.3. More professional deputies in public areas as well as guards

4. Why are these devices so essential during investigation

4.1. These are uses to Take down suspects in a professional manner

4.2. To catch/finish the case much more fast before there is another victim

4.3. May not have handprints or suspect may disguise effectively