Film opening synopsis

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Film opening synopsis by Mind Map: Film opening synopsis

1. Characters

1.1. Main character

1.2. 2 Supporting actors

2. Mise en scene

2.1. Background

2.2. Props

2.3. What the audience can see

2.4. what they can assume

2.5. Connotation and Denotation

3. Diegesis

3.1. Music

3.2. Sound

3.3. Sinister orchestra music

3.4. Leaf and twigs crunching

4. Conventions

4.1. Blood

4.2. Gore

4.3. Stereotypical villan

4.4. Stereotypical victim

5. Props

5.1. A video camera

5.1.1. Used to documet he killer.

5.2. Knife

5.2.1. This will be used as the weapon.

5.3. A mobile phone

5.3.1. Used as a hope of escape.

6. Locations

6.1. An abandond house

6.2. A forrest

6.3. A woodland type area

7. Editing

7.1. Fast cuts

7.2. Quick paced

7.3. Addig music

7.4. Sound effects

8. Cinematography

8.1. Different shots

8.2. Low angle

8.3. High angle

8.4. Close up

8.5. Aerial

8.6. Lighting