by Willem Broer
1. vortex healing
1.1. helend
2. energie
2.1. math
2.2. vortex engine
2.3. vortex engine
2.4. ORMUS
2.5. gravity
3. kabbalah
3.1. climate change
3.2. vortexhunters
3.3. nature's creative tool
3.4. sedona
3.5. ormus
4. water
4.1. hydro energy
4.2. tornado in fles
4.3. watervortex
4.4. spin
5. phi
5.1. torus
5.2. fractal field
5.3. fractal enlightment
5.4. ching
5.5. fractaal
5.6. fibonacci
6. piramide
6.1. meru piramids
6.2. vital pyramid
6.3. piramidekracht
6.4. ormus and pyramids
6.5. vortex engine
7. geometrie
7.1. light weaver
7.2. golden mean
7.3. sacred geometry
7.4. iGod
8. human body
8.1. angelfire
8.2. vortex in human body
8.3. vortex healing
8.4. make merkaba
8.5. cosmic heart
8.6. toroidal helix
9. talent
9.1. my superconscious mind
9.2. labyrint
9.3. creative power
10. sri yantra
10.1. holy grail vortex
10.2. goddess vortrex
10.3. meru antenna
10.4. universe and creation
11. manifesteren
11.1. hicks vortex
11.2. vortex succes
12. vortex theory
12.1. summary
12.2. wat is een vortex
13. werveltrap
13.1. en zo
14. vortex maps