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1. Consider the opportunity cost of your use of time

1.1. Examples of opportunity costs

1.1.1. Going to see a movie instead of studying for an upcoming test. The opportunity cost is the cost of the movie along with the potential worse grade on the test due to being unprepared

1.1.2. Quitting your job in order to focus more on school. The opportunity cost is the money you would have made if you stayed with the job

2. Articles and resources on how to properly manage your time

2.1. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/219553

2.2. http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/20-quick-tips-for-better-time-management.html

2.3. http://www.lifehack.org/articles/technology/top-15-time-management-apps-and-tools.html

3. Time Management Tips

3.1. Having an idea of what you want to do with your day before the day begins is a good way of keeping yourself on track with time.

3.2. A good way to properly manage your time is to have a clear and organized calender

3.3. Staying aware of potential deadlines

3.4. Set a time limit on leisure activities as to not lose track of time.

4. Consider the urgency of your task at hand

5. Good time management allows you to get tasks done easily and potentially reduce stress.

6. Another good way to manage time is to have a daily schedule outlining your use of time for the day