What do you want to achieve?
by Alexandra Samuel
1. Cost-effective promotion - career
2. Create more social media tools
3. Internal use - collaboration
4. Privacy
5. Connect
5.1. Reach an audience we normally wouldn't be able to via other channels
5.2. Engage a specific community
5.3. Reaching 45-65-yr-olds, knowing which tools/vehicles to use
5.4. Engage with students
5.5. Member engagement
5.6. Return to blog-reading, make more connections
5.7. Member engagement
5.8. Make connections with other people, businesses
6. Explore
6.1. What do I not know yet?
6.2. Learning and exploration
6.3. Understanding the medium
7. Communicate
7.1. Increase awareness
7.2. Strengthen the brand
7.3. List-building, database-growing
7.4. Lead generation, traffic
7.5. Increase traffic, lead generation
8. Market
8.1. Make money
8.2. Market more cost-effectively
8.3. Sales (while controlling risks)
9. Lead
9.1. Know which tool, when - strategically
9.2. Which tool and why?
9.3. Measure success i.e. engagement, ROI
9.4. Measure impact